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Make a crossword puzzle on the organization of production. A ready-made crossword puzzle on production - on the topic "production planning". Management crossword on the topic: "Internal and external environment of the organization"

Make a crossword puzzle on the organization of production.  Ready-made production crossword - on the topic

Crossword No. 1. Enterprise as the main form of implementation entrepreneurial activity

Horizontally: 1. Securities issued by joint-stock companies without a fixed circulation period. 5. Management of the firm, enterprise, organization, management apparatus; circle of persons authorized to carry out operational management, to act as a legal entity. 6. Agreements between two or more economic entities, citizens and legal entities in the form of an oral and written agreement on certain actions. 7. Expressed in monetary form costs due to the expenditure of various types of economic resources (raw materials, materials, labor, fixed assets, services, financial resources) in the process of production and circulation of products, goods. 10. An individual or legal entity, citizen or organization acting as a trustee, an intermediary authorized to perform a certain range of actions as on his own behalf. 12. Import into the country from abroad of foreign goods, technology, capital, services for use in the domestic market of the country, to meet the needs that the country itself is unable to provide. 14. A form of association, an agreement between entrepreneurs, usually of a temporary nature, in which the profits of its participants go to a common fund and are distributed among them according to predetermined rules. 16. Transformation,

a profound transformation of socio-economic relations, forms of ownership, ways of doing business, management systems.

19. Inclusion of the company's shares in the list of shares listed on this stock exchange. 20. An accounting document representing a set of indicators that depict a picture of the financial and economic condition of a company on a certain date, most often at the end or beginning of a calendar period. 22. The totality of property and Money belonging to the enterprise, firm, company. 23. World famous brand; legally protected product; a company (its name) or a concept singled out by public consciousness from the mass of its own kind; possible writing.

Vertically: 1. Preliminary payment by the customer of a certain amount of money against future payments for goods delivered to him, work performed for him, services. 2. Long-term lease (for a period from

6 months to several years) machinery, equipment, Vehicle, industrial facilities, providing for the possibility of their subsequent redemption by the tenant. 3. Labor costs, working hours for the production of a unit of output (physical units of time per one ruble of output). 4. Regularly functioning, organizationally defined wholesale market homogeneous goods, on which transactions of sale and purchase of large consignments of goods are concluded. 5. Provision of property (land) by its owner for temporary use to other persons on contractual terms, for a fee.

9. Labor costs, working hours for the production of a unit of output

(physical units of time per one ruble of output).

11. Combining technologically related enterprises, the products of one of which serve as materials, semi-finished products for

another. 13. Silver coin of a number of states of Central Asia and adjacent territories in the 14th–18th centuries. Then it was minted from copper and bronze until 1917. The Russian word “money” came from this word.

15. Excess of income from the sale of goods and services over the costs of production and sale of these goods. This is one of the most important indicators of the financial results of the economic activity of the enterprise and entrepreneurs. 17. Part of an enterprise, an organization representing an independent, subsidiary company, branch, existing and operating in another place, but maintaining close ties, economically dependent on the parent enterprise. 18. Income regularly received by the owner from the use of land, property, capital, which does not require the recipient of income to carry out entrepreneurial activities, the cost of additional efforts.

21. Non-cash payments between countries, companies, enterprises for delivered, sold to each other goods, securities and services rendered, carried out by mutual offset.

Crossword No. 2. Organizational and legal forms of enterprises.

Business associations

Horizontally: 5. Competition between producers (sellers) of goods, and in general - between any economic, market entities; the struggle for markets for goods in order to obtain higher incomes. 6. The annual rest time provided to the employee, a break in work, paid by the employer, the organization in which the employee works.

9. Transfer of traditional non-key functions of the organization (such as accounting or advertising for a machine-building company) to external performers - outsourcers, subcontractors.

12. The monetary unit of the country used in this state.

13. Economic purpose, vocation, purpose of the existence of the organization. 15. Base ..., taken as a base, the starting point for determining growth rates, the dynamics of changes in economic indices. 16. A person, a group of persons, a firm, an enterprise competing in achieving identical goals, in an effort to possess the same resources, benefits, and occupy a position in the market. 18. Addition to the exchange quotation or discount from it, which is the subject of bargaining. It depends on the type and quality of the goods, delivery terms, payments and other factors. 19. Grouping a set of indicators selected on one basis, for example, the distribution of families by income level is ...... distributions.

Vertically: 1. Financial and industrial ... - a group of legally independent enterprises registered at the federal level, financial

output and investment institutions. 2. Economic relations associated with the exchange of goods and services, as a result of which demand, supply and price are formed. 3. Matrix... allowing to clarify the company's development strategies in terms of "product" and "market", as well as to assess the likelihood of success and costs.

4. Expansion of the range, change in the type of products manufactured by the enterprise, firm, development of new types of production in order to increase production efficiency. 8. An accounting calculation of costs, expenses in monetary terms presented in tabular form for the production and marketing of a unit of a product or a batch of products, as well as for the implementation of works and services.

11. The dominance of a small number of firms and companies in the production of certain goods and in the market for these goods. 14. A security in the form of a long-term obligation drawn up in writing in a specific form. 17. Person issuing, providing a guarantee, guarantor. The state and its bodies, institutions, enterprises, firms, banks can act as a guarantor.

Crossword No. 3. Fixed assets and working capital of the enterprise

Horizontally: 5. They are part of working capital, associated with servicing the process of circulation of goods - this is ... circulation. 7. Indicator of the value of fixed assets per ruble of output. 10. Cash costs associated with spending different types economic resources (raw materials, materials, labor, fixed assets, services, financial resources) in the process of production and circulation of products, goods.

11. Aging, wear and tear of buildings, equipment in the process of their production use. 12. Structural subdivision enterprises, organizations, companies, banks, exchanges; for example, ordering department, sales department, purchasing department, design department, accounting department, design department, marketing department. 13. Deprivation of property from its owner in the event of foreclosure on this property by a court decision. 14. The movement of goods, money in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption.

16. The size of the nominal monthly wages assigned to the employee according to his position. 17. Coefficient determined by the ratio of the actual number of hours of operation of the equipment to the number of hours of its operation according to the plan.

Vertically: 1. a) The weight of the goods together with the tare and packaging (as opposed to

net weight, that is, the net weight of the goods); b) gross income without deducting expenses.

2. Natural resources, materials produced from them, subject to further processing, which are part of working capital. 3. Calculated in monetary terms, depreciation of fixed assets in the process of their application, production use. 4. Sold products are defined as

sum marketable products minus the difference ... unsold products at the beginning and end of the year. 6. Included in fixed assets. 7. An indicator reflecting the removal of products from one ruble of the initial cost of fixed assets. 8. Included in the production of work in progress. 9. Establishment of production rates per employee, standard values ​​of costs, working capital, natural loss. 15. The totality of property and funds belonging to an enterprise, firm, company.

Crossword No. 4. Enterprise personnel

Horizontally: 2. Composition, which is the minimum required number of employees who must come to work to complete the task in deadlines. 4. The rate of payment for various services provided to businesses and the public, called tariff rate. 6. A form of association, an agreement between entrepreneurs, usually of a temporary nature, in which the profits of its participants go to a common fund and are distributed among them according to predetermined ones. 8. The personnel of an institution, enterprise, firm or a part of this composition, allocated on the basis of the nature of the work performed. 11. The process of creating different types of economic product. 12. Relationships arising between the employer, the employer and the employee when the latter is employed; regulated by labor law. 13. The result of human labor, economic activity, presented in a material and material form (material product), in a spiritual one. 14. Conscious, energy-consuming, generally recognized expedient activity of a person, people, requiring the application of efforts, the implementation of work; one of the four main factors of production. 15. A fixed amount of remuneration for an employee for fulfilling a labor standard (job duties) of a certain complexity (qualification).

Vertical: 1. Tariff system, a set of normatively established rates, tariff coefficients, in accordance with which the level of wages of employees paid according to tariffs is established and changed. 3. Official ...... - the amount of the nominal monthly salary established for the employee according to his position. 5. Cash and material resources concentrated in a single aggregate for the purpose of using them for certain purposes. 7. Labor costs,

working time for the production of a unit of output (physical units of time per one ruble of output). 9. The main head of the enterprise, organization, direction. 10. The permanent composition of employees, employees of an institution, organization, firm, enterprise.

Crossword No. 5. Investment activity of the enterprise

Horizontally: 3. This segment The investment market is represented by shares, government bonds, currency values, deposits (choose the correct answer):

- first: stock market;

- second: the money market;

- third: the market of financial investment objects;

- fourth: the market of direct capital investments. 7. A type of investment that involves investing in such investment objects for which there is no real risk of losing the expected income or capital and real profit is practically guaranteed. 8. Cash, securities, other property, including property rights, other rights having a monetary value, invested in objects of entrepreneurial or other activity in order to make a profit or achieve another beneficial effect. 10 . A type of investment that involves investing in industries that produce means of production. 13. Type of investment, which characterizes the investment of capital of state unitary and municipal enterprises, as well as funds from the federal and regional budgets and extra-budgetary funds.

Vertical: 1. Type of investment, which expresses the investment of capital

in the most risky assets, where the maximum income is expected.

2. Type of investment, which involves the direct participation of the investor in the choice of an object for investing money. 4. Type of investment, involving investments in securities. 5. What investments are invested in, for example, newly created and modernized fixed assets and working capital in all sectors and spheres of the national economy; securities; targeted cash deposits; property rights and intellectual property rights; scientific and technical products, other objects

validity. 6. The period of time during which the investments invested in the project will pay off. 8. Contractors who take on the functions of work organizers and hand over the completed project to customers. 9. The subject of investment activity, which invests its own, borrowed and attracted funds in the form of investments and ensures their intended use. 11. A systemically limited and complete set of measures, documents and works, the financial result of which is profit (income), the tangible result is new or reconstructed fixed assets or the acquisition and use of financial instruments or intangible assets with the subsequent receipt of income. 12. Application for drawing up an investment project or for the construction of a project facility.

Crossword No. 6. Investment policy of the enterprise

Vertically: 1. The effectiveness of the investment policy is assessed in terms of payback period and ……… 3. Contract for commissioning by the state to private entrepreneurs, a foreign company or another legal entity industrial enterprises, plots of land with the right to extract minerals, construction of various structures for the purpose of development or restoration national economy and development of natural resources. 4. Investment……. - a generalizing characteristic of the totality of social, economic, organizational, legal, political and other conditions that determine the attractiveness of investing in the country's economy.

5. Investment ... .. - investment and a set of practical actions for the implementation of investments. 6. Investment policy, which is aimed at minimizing investment risk while receiving a moderate level of income. 10. Investment policy pursued at the state level:

- first: federal investment policy;

- second: regional investment policy;

- third: the investment policy of the enterprise. 11. The ability of an asset to be used as a means of payment without significant loss in value. 12. A document in which comprehensively, systematically and in detail

the investment proposal is substantiated and the main characteristics of the investment project are determined.

Horizontally: 2. Investment ..... is a set of measures for the organization and management of investment activities aimed at ensuring the optimal volume and structure of investment assets, increasing their profitability with the achieved level of risk. 7. Investment policy aimed at achieving maximum income from investing in objects with a high level of investment risk. 8. Definition of long-term goals of investment activity and ways to achieve them. 9. Probability of occurrence financial losses in the form of loss of capital or income due to the uncertainty of the conditions of investment activity.

12. Investment…. - a set of investments in investment objects formed in accordance with a certain investment strategy.

13. The objectives of this investment policy are: creation of investment market infrastructure; creation of conditions for attracting extra-budgetary sources of investment financing; ensuring the integration of the regional investment market with the international market of investment resources (select the correct answer):

- first: the investment policy of the state;

- second: the investment policy of the region;

- third: the investment policy of the enterprise.

4. ... optimality should reflect the purpose of production, which is to increase the level of satisfaction of the needs of society and obtain a sufficient financial result
8. Cost price based on market prices for the next period
11. Production of goods in such a quantity that exceeds demand
17. Then all the costs (costs) incurred by the enterprise for the production and sale (sale) of products
22. One of the stages of the pdca cycle, during which the optimal allocation of resources takes place to achieve the set goals
23. Uniformity of output in equal periods of time during the reporting period
1. "protection against unintentional use", "error protection" - a special device, method, product design, due to which it becomes impossible to misuse (Japanese)
2. Action (or actions) performed by one machine on one product, as opposed to a process
3. A system of production in which an upstream supplier (or domestic supplier) does nothing until the downstream consumer (or domestic consumer) informs it.
5. What kind of production is called work in progress products at various stages production process
6. Step of the pdca cycle, at which the achieved results are verified against the goal
7. Production management system, involving all personnel and using a set of rules, actions and procedures aimed at identifying and eliminating losses and creating a system of continuous improvements in the operating activities of the enterprise
9. Industrial products subject to further processing or used as an integral part of another more complex type of product
10. Zero wastage (muda), so that all activities in the value stream actually create value
12. Evaluation of the quality of manufacturing products by inspection or tactile method
13. The process of moving cargo / object to its destination, by means of certain vehicles
14. A decision that, for one reason or another, is preferable to others
15. ... planning - a period of time for which a plan is drawn up at the level of an individual enterprise
16. the process of creating a product. The concept of production characterizes a specifically human type of metabolism with nature, or, more precisely, the process of active transformation of natural resources by people into a product.
18. A set of actions and procedures that confirm the compliance of the actual characteristics of the product with the requirements of standards or specifications
19. A person or organization that consumes someone else's products. production
20. The best way performing any activity using techniques that are most effective in terms of reducing losses, ease of execution and speed of work
21. A more or less realistic guess about a future event
22. Installing a new type of tool on a metalworking machine, changing paint in a dyeing machine, filling a new portion of plastic and changing a mold in an injection molding machine, installing a new one on a computer software and so on. The term is always used when the equipment needs to be prepared for the production of a different type of product (performing another work)
24. A person working in some institution, enterprise



1. Reverse return on assets. 2. A set of structures, buildings, systems and services necessary for the functioning of the branches of material production and ensuring the conditions for the life of society. 3. Any activity of people related to the material support of their lives. 4. One of the forms of creation of legal entities, which is commercial organization. 5. Property used for entrepreneurial activity, which is the subject of a leasing agreement, sold within the framework of capital investment plans of managed enterprises. 6. The form of formation and spending of funds intended for financial support of the tasks and functions of state power and local self-government. 7. Science of the economy as a whole at the state level. 8. ... funds - part of the means of labor used by the organization in the production of products (works, services) for management needs for a period exceeding 12 months. 9. Cash, or material values ​​received as a result of any activity. 10. The process of production, considered in continuous movement and renewal. 11. Protective document certifying the exclusive right, authorship and priority of an invention, utility model or industrial design. 12. The universal equivalent of the cost of other goods or services. 13. A document (agreement) giving the right to perform certain actions. 14. The amount of excess of income over expenses. 15. Monetary value of goods. 16. Inclusion in production costs of the worn out part of fixed assets.

2. Cost reduction fixed assets. 17. Legal entities and individuals, debtors of the organization. 18. Economic enterprise based on joint activities and mutual assistance of members. 19. Indicator of output for the value of fixed assets. 20. The person or entity to whom the entity is to make a payment or take certain actions. 21. The process of managing the movement and storage of raw materials, components and finished products in economic circulation. 22. An organization that owns one or more enterprises and uses economic resources for the production of goods and services for profit. 23. Everything that a person (an individual) and an organization (including a legal entity) needs to achieve a goal, to satisfy their own needs and the needs of subjects or objects of the external environment. 24. Aggregate parent company and controlled by it subsidiaries. 25. ... funds - the amount of funds advanced to create working capital production assets and circulation funds. 26. ... cost - the cost of reproduction of fixed assets in modern conditions. 27. The science of consumers and firms.

CROSSWORD 1. Topics: “The essence of management. Key concepts",

"The nature of management and historical trends in its development", "Internal and external environment organizations",

"Organization as a function of management",

"Motivation of activity in management"



2. A specific end state or desired outcome that the group seeks to achieve by working together

4. Obedience and respect for the agreements reached between the company and its employee, fair application of sanctions and punishments

6. Representative of the school of human relations, conducted the famous Hawthorne experiment

8. The object of the organization's exchange with the external environment, one of the main properties of matter is the measure of its movement, as well as the ability to do work.

10. Founder of the classical (administrative) school of management, developed 14 universal management principles

12. Reliability of information

14. The logical relationship of management levels and functional areas, built in such a form that allows you to most effectively achieve the goal of the organization

16. An approach to management that considers it as a continuous series of interrelated management functions

18. Creator of the hierarchy of human needs

20. A place for everything and everything in its place

22. The object of the organization's exchange with the external environment, objects, substances used to manufacture something.

23. Scientist who defined technology as the combination of skills, equipment, infrastructure, tools, and knowledge necessary to bring about desired transformations of materials, information, or people


1. General beliefs, belief about what is good or bad, acquired through training

5. Formed by a person regarding the results of his behavior based on past experience and assessment of the current situation

7. Internal, motivation for new forms of activity, one of the 14 universal principles of management

9. Characteristics of the external environment of the organization, reflecting the number and variety of its factors

11. Representative of the school of human relations

13. Some integrity, consisting of interconnected parts, each of which contributes to the characteristics of the whole

15. Element of the external environment of indirect impact, forward movement, improvement in the development process

17. Organization in the market producing a similar product or service

19. Organization as a system approach

21. Representative of the school of scientific management, the "father" of management

CRASDWORD 2. Topics:

"Organization as a function of management"

"Models and methods of decision making"

"Fundamentals of personnel management"

"Career management in the organization"

"Strategic planning"



2. The main overall goal of the organization, the main reason for its existence

4. The form of construction and relationship of management levels and functional areas, which allows you to most effectively achieve the goals of the organization

6. Confirmation of the hypothesis by observing the results of the decision

8. The value that an individual ascribes to himself or to his individual qualities

10. Organizational structure in which the higher level concentrates all management functions, and the management object executes management commands only of its management subject

12. Reduced or enlarged copy of an object, reflecting its main characteristics and properties, representation of an object, system or idea in some form other than the integrity itself

14. A matrix that is used in one of the decision-making methods

16. The type of people who have low self-esteem, high aspirations and an external locus of control

18. The type of people who have low self-esteem, high aspirations and an internal locus of control

19. Detailed comprehensive comprehensive plan designed to ensure the implementation of the mission of the organization and its goals


1. The ability of people to establish business contacts, connections and relationships

3. Ability to make the right decisions without intermediate results

5. The structure of the organization, a combination of functional and product (project) structures, is used to obtain high-quality results for a large number of projects in the field of high technologies.

7. In a broad sense - the generally recognized influence of a person or organization in various spheres of public life, based on knowledge, moral virtues, experience; in the narrow sense, one of the forms of exercising power.

9. Special talent, exclusivity of the individual in intellectual, spiritual or some other respect

11. A type of person who has low self-esteem, low ambition and an internal locus of control.

13. Schematic representation of successive decisions with an assessment of the probability of the outcome of one or another option and the determination of the income of each of them

15. Collection and analysis of information on the problem of the situation

17. The decision-making method is a multi-level questionnaire procedure, contains an element of collegiality and intuition, allows you to identify original solutions to complex problems.

3. Crossword on management on the topic: "Internal and external environment of the organization"



2. The environmental factor of direct impact on the organization, the association of people connected by one profession

4. Formed by a person regarding the results of his behavior based on past experience and assessment of the current situation

6. Intellectual awareness of stimuli derived from sensations

8. An element of the external environment of the organization, a method of converting material, raw materials, information into the desired product.


1. Environment element of indirect impact on the organization, forward movement, improvement in the development process

3. Central factor in any management model

5. Characteristics of the external environment of the organization, reflecting the number and variety of factors affecting the organization

7. The scientist who defined technology as the combination of skills, equipment, infrastructure, tools, and knowledge needed to transform materials, information, or people

9. The scientist who defined technology as a means of converting raw materials into desired products or services

10. Element of the external environment of the organization, providing it with resources from the outside

11. Factor that forms biased perception environment and influencing people's behavior