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Problems with personnel in production. Modern problems of personnel management. The financial condition of the enterprise: analysis, problems and ways to solve them on the example of Sarapul Dairy Plant LLC

Problems with personnel in production.  Modern problems of personnel management.  The financial condition of the enterprise: analysis, problems and ways to solve them on the example of Sarapul Dairy Plant LLC

We are not afraid to work: we sit and sit.

"Folk Wisdom"

The company's personnel as the main asset and business growth potential.

Our consulting practice often gives rise to questions rather than answers. Questions accumulate, "settle in a pile" and wait for their finest hour to accumulate the necessary critical mass to analyze this mass and comprehend it.

Another issue that has waited in the wings concerns hiring staff in companies. More precisely, not even the hiring procedure as such, but deeper processes, one way or another related to this issue, which is extremely important for every business. Now to the point.

In developed (or even, more precisely, in thoughtful) businesses, there are standard procedures regarding the personnel of the organization. These are usually considered:

  • Planning,
  • hiring,
  • Development,
  • Education,
  • Control,
  • Motivation,
  • rotation,
  • Adaptation,
  • Studying,
  • Certification.

In a word, activities related to the organization's personnel are capacious, necessary and extremely responsible. It would seem that everything is very simple: put an intelligent thinking person at the head of the personnel department - and this direction is “closed”. All in all, that's pretty much what happens. But, as they say, there are nuances. This will be discussed.

Nuance FIRST. Personnel planning.

Take our word for it: probably only one out of ten companies know (and apply!) that it is necessary to plan not only finances, purchases, sales, logistics, etc., but also personnel.

A very typical example: a company displays New Product. Accordingly, “everything is according to plan”: finances, logistics, equipment ... And when the time “H” comes, SUDDENLY (!) (how else?) it turns out that there is no necessary specialist who will set up the equipment (will serve, promote, advise, sell, etc.). That is, a situation arises like "let's go skiing if we find skis." Familiar? So, if the personnel were planned similarly to other areas of activity (say, finance), then there would be no such situation in principle.

Nuance SECOND. Staff development.

There is such an observation: the stronger the leader, the weaker the subordinates. The logic is this: a leader is a person who is not only burdened with power, but also implies a high level of competence. If the leader has the authority of suppression, then his opinion is always above all and the point of view is the most correct. Over time, this leads to a certain lack of will of subordinates, who turn into performers like "I was told to do - I do, they say to think - I will think." The problem, and a significant one, is that if such a leader leaves the company, then none of his subordinates is no longer able to fully replace him due to disbelief in own forces and quickly getting used to the role of a weak-willed performer. Any new leader who comes from the "inheritance" side receives a "managed herd" of employees who can only work "as you, boss, need." So, if there were regular events in the company for the development of personnel (courses, trainings, theoretical training, testing knowledge of anything, mentoring, etc.), its competencies and skills, then, firstly, such a situation would quickly would be revealed, and secondly, knowledge always gives confidence. Accordingly, it is more difficult to crush a competent employee with authority, and an experienced HR manager receives a personnel reserve in a timely manner.

The personnel reserve is a kind of "airbag", which is very useful when:

  • planned or sudden rotation of personnel (vacation, decree, dismissal, illness, long business trip, etc.);
  • increase in orders and, accordingly, the intensity and volume of work;
  • the emergence of projects, the implementation of which will require certain competencies of employees.

Nuance THIRD. I don't know who, but someone is needed.

A very common situation for many organizations. The logic of such decisions is that with the growth of the scale of the business, there is a feeling that someone is already unable to cope. Another explanation is: we can afford to hire additional staff. Like this. No more, no less. That is, instead of analyzing business processes and measuring the load on the working staff, the company's management decides to recruit employees “just in case”. Especially often in this way the number of deputies for various leaders increases. In our practice, we met with the fact that in an average company in terms of turnover and size, the number of deputies for various managers reached five!

We, as consultants, always recommend in this matter to proceed from an understanding of what exactly does not have time to do in the organization and, in fact, why? Finding answers to these questions dots the E and often closes the question of the need to hire "someone else."

Nuance FOUR. Hiring.

The main problem associated with personnel in companies is the lack of personnel planning and the most thoughtful recruitment procedure (system). We said about planning, I think that the essence is clear. But as for the hiring SYSTEM itself, the problem is still the same ...

The recruitment system is a well-thought-out chain of search, selection, testing and hiring of specialists. For specialists of different levels of responsibility (managers, that is), for obvious reasons, it should differ from the system of hiring ordinary employees: it is assumed not only not only a different procedure for interviewing and studying candidates, but also a different procedure for passing interviews: as a rule, an interview is conducted in several stages with an increase in the rank of the interviewer. More on this below.

The most significant, in our opinion, mistakes that, like a well-known rake, lie in wait for an organization in which the procedure for hiring employees is not prescribed, is as follows:

1) TOP management does not specify (does not prescribe) the profile of the hired specialist: his experience, industry affiliation, competencies, personality type, character, type of leadership (if we are talking about a manager);

2) The studied qualities of the candidate, his experience, as well as other significant issues are not prescribed. The levels of interviewing (ie when and by whom) at which they are studied are not defined;

3) The powers of each of the levels of interviewing are not defined;

4) A single form of a report on interviewing a candidate by the company's specialists is not created. There is no connection between the personnel service and the top management of the organization;

5) The information provided to the candidate is not coordinated (which leads to conflicting answers and the appearance of distrust on the part of the candidate).

What can lead to the above errors in the recruitment procedure:

1) If one person hires (more often - the head of the personnel department), then the person does this according to OWN vision. Accordingly, everything can be tritely reduced to "like - dislike." In other words, the selection of personnel (including key personnel) is at the mercy of ONE person, his understanding and vision, his competence, human qualities and the goals pursued;

2) If the recruitment procedure is not regulated and is not optimal for a given organization, then some positions may be “closed” for months. One can guess what the absence of a key specialist, for example, is fraught with for the organization. Although, we have seen examples in our practice when even large manufacturing companies were in a fever due to the lack of just one (!) necessary specialist;

3) The company may lose potentially valuable candidates due to the fact that the powers of each of the interviewing levels are not defined;

4) The company may acquire an unfavorable image due to the lack of consistency in the information issued to candidates: such information quickly spills over to the network on special resources devoted to reviews of employers, thereby increasing the time it takes to find the necessary candidates.

In our practice, we have come across situations when it turned out that many (!) Problems in a company are caused precisely by the work of the company's personnel service. It is for this reason that you should not let the processes associated with the personnel take their course or at the mercy of the head of the personnel service. You just need to understand well that the manager should be accepted by the manager, evaluating at meetings not only “table” data, but also the candidate’s business sense, general market orientation, value system, knowledge of the profile market, etc.

A separate and very significant problem is the hiring of top staff. In the vast majority of companies, hiring tops is carried out according to the same procedure as hiring other employees. The problem is that in addition to the questionnaire-checks of the top candidate by the personnel service, they should be handled by higher-level managers to understand his life and business outlook, type of leadership, psychological stability, etc. In addition, it is extremely advisable to involve security specialists to check the history candidate. Exactly because of this reason personnel service, working according to a different scheme of work with TOP candidates, should not have the possibility of rejecting a candidate at its level.

Nuance FIFTH. Motivation as a source of dynamics.

It would seem that a common truth when conducting interviews and studying candidates: identifying their motivation. However, we often find that this work specialists of the personnel department are either not performed, or performed formally. I would like to note that this question is very important both for the company as a whole and for specific candidates in particular. The reasons for this are simple:

1) The company (more precisely, its management) must accurately understand the motivational component of each employee. This is required both in order to optimally organize work for each employee (rotation, training, etc.), and in order to develop the most correct version of the motivation system;

2) The management of the company must produce the "movement" of personnel in the company, taking into account the motivation of each individual employee. It should be taken into account that, at a minimum, the positions that “earn” the company money should be filled by employees for whom material motivation is paramount.

Motivation is a certain guarantee that the goals of the company will become the goals of employees. It is for this reason that one should not underestimate both the very fact of finding out the internal motivation of employees, and the actual creation of a full-fledged system of personnel motivation.

Nuance SIX. Personnel certification.

How many times have they told the world that the level of knowledge and skills of the staff ALWAYS tends to decrease. This is due to a certain “calmness” of the employees, associated with the confidence that since I work here, it means that I suit everyone. Well, of course, and self-confidence in one's own "professionalism", based on experience and work experience (in the industry, at the enterprise or in the specialty in general).

Personnel certification, as a system, is necessary in order to:

1) The level of knowledge and skills of employees not only did not decrease, but also gradually increased;

2) Identify the most knowledgeable, competent employees in order to develop the company's human resources potential;

3) Make changes to the personnel motivation system in the form of an increase in the category, category, etc. With the right and transparent approach, this will have a positive effect on other employees of the company.

In relation to this nuance, it is necessary to understand that if the staff is not maintained in a certain tone, then after a while the situation begins to resemble such a calm swamp with all the ensuing consequences. It must be understood that very often a company, as an organization, and employees, have mutually opposite goals. So the company should do its best to achieve its goals in order for the business to remain at least afloat, and as a maximum, actively develop. This, among other things, is ensured by the increasing efficiency of the work of the personnel, the increasing level of knowledge and skills of the personnel. It is for this reason that it is worth paying increased attention to the issue of certification of the organization's personnel. It is clear that the certification of personnel is a periodic and secondary procedure in relation to the training and advanced training of employees.

Nuance SEVENTH. Staff adaptation.

Experienced personnel officers know that the most “dangerous” period for newly hired employees is the first two months of work. During this period, not only the new employee is evaluated, but the employee also evaluates the organization and its team for compliance with their value system, and also searches for a certain “comfort zone” for themselves: determining potential psychological and business compatibility with managers, the team, and also makes assessment of own prof. suitability in the new location.

In order to new employee this period has PASSED and passed with maximum benefit for the organization and itself, it is required that the entire period probationary period(or induction period, if there is no probationary period as such) he was the follower (as far as possible) of the employee (or more than one) responsible for his adaptation.

From experience, we say that for the fastest and most effective adaptation of new employees, it is necessary to prepare (and approve) an adaptation program in advance with the obligatory indication of:

  • employee(s) who are responsible for induction;
  • parameters and results that a new employee should achieve at the end of the adaptation period;
  • scheduling of commissioning (who, where, what, at what time what knowledge/skills is given/tested, etc.);
  • intermediate results that a new employee should achieve (say, every month for the first three to five months);
  • parameters of material and / or not financial incentives employees involved in the adaptation process in case of successful certification of a new employee.

From the moment of employment, a new employee must have a list of theoretical questions and practical skills that will be tested at the end of the adaptation period (or probationary period). This will concretize his period of adaptation and determine the benchmarks.

Nuance EIGHTH. Staff rotation.

Rotation - the process of labor movement of employees in the organization. That is, it is the use of a person in various production sites and/or in various positions for the benefit of the organization. It is worth agreeing on the terms: rotation without promotion - horizontal rotation, rotation with promotion - vertical rotation.

The basis of staff rotation is the ability to use the labor resources of the enterprise in an optimal way for the organization. In order to have more opportunities for staff rotation, it is necessary to train staff in related (and not only) professions, giving skills, knowledge and checking their level. The process is more successful in the case of its material incentives, when the organization pays extra money to the employee for owning an additional profession (professions) or stimulates in another sensitive way (for example, by adding days to vacation). Our experience in consulting projects on manufacturing enterprises suggests that this measure can simultaneously both reduce personnel costs and protect the organization from situations where "the pilot fell ill, there will be no aviation." That is, thanks to the additional competencies of personnel, the organization has the opportunity to more flexible and rational personnel management.

Vertical rotation is the process of "cultivating" your own leaders in an organization. If a person stands out from the general mass of employees, if he shows results and strives to understand more and do better, then it is worth betting on such employees, promoting them in the organization. Such employees, as a rule, quickly integrate into new functionality and find a common language with colleagues than outside staff.

* * * * *

As a summary

1. Personnel is one of the most (if not the most) significant resource (more precisely, an ASSET!) of any organization. Neither buildings and structures, nor equipment and mechanisms, nor finances - it is the personnel that is the basis of any organization and its driving force. For this reason, work with personnel is an extremely important and responsible area of ​​work that TOP management must plan, coordinate and control. The most valuable thing an organization has is its employees, take our word for it. Remember this.

2. It is necessary to try to attract employees:

  • With POSITIVE attitude in life, who are accepted for any business with an inner attitude " everything will work out", but not " this is impossible»;
  • able-bodied, who are able to quickly understand and correctly and quickly do;
  • who obviously go to a new place TO BE BENEFICIAL, and not to serve a number (to go to work);
  • who want to make money or earn BIG MONEY. Exactly EARN!;
  • who are able to live and work SYSTEMATICALLY;
  • who understand and love ORDER (in the head, at work, at the workplace);
  • who are able to work FOR THE RESULT;
  • who "won't give up their own and don't look at someone else's" - those who are able to respect the values ​​and property of the organization and treat them rationally.

For those who read to the end, a small bonus in the form of a well-thought-out recruitment application form. You can take.

Good luck in the difficult task of personnel management!

Human resource management problems are found in many enterprises, so the demand for the device modern systems HR management is very high. Organizations today see a discrepancy between the ever-increasing need for good human resources management and the state of the services that are responsible for this work. It is necessary not only to change the regulations of HR departments, but to make adjustments to the personnel management model.

Problems of personnel management

The functions of personnel management can be dispersed in the organization among several departments that are directly or indirectly involved in solving personnel issues.

In the work of such departments, coordination is very important; its absence does not allow effective personnel management. It is the HR department that should take on the job of managing employees in the enterprise. The tasks of the HR service include the selection of personnel at all levels and its placement. But in practice, only in some organizations personnel officers work effectively.

In organizations, there is often a clear contradiction between the goals that the HR department proclaims and the functions that it actually performs. The head of the personnel department of the enterprise lists in the list of cases that the department is busy with, personnel control, and measures to increase the motivation of employees. But in fact, the department rarely deals with the processes listed above. As practice shows, the solution of many personnel issues depends on the management of the enterprise, but a preliminary analysis of the situation is necessary.

There is another problem related to personnel management, which is often encountered in Russian companies. It's about the absence unified system work with personnel. Such a system involves studying the abilities of specialists working in the organization, offering options for their professional development And career development.

The management team of the enterprise

Not all managers can properly organize the work of the personnel department. Entrepreneur must know actual problems personnel management, this will avoid the most common mistakes. The problem is that work with employees is often initiated by management just to improve the situation, but it is getting worse, the company is losing its position in the industry.

Rethinking employee management practices can significantly improve the health of the team. But here it is necessary to take into account the fact that not all workers will accept new methods. If a conflict arises between management and part of the staff, the situation within the company may worsen.

Many problems of personnel management in an organization can be avoided if measures are taken in time. The most frequently encountered problems include the following:

  • dismissal of qualified specialists;
  • lack of labor discipline, low performing discipline employees;
  • low qualification of workers and a number of managers;
  • conflicts and negative atmosphere in the team;
  • low level of motivation;
  • low level of initiative of the staff;
  • conflict between management and employees.

Each leader must make an analysis of the current situation and then make a decision.

Personnel development programs

The successful development of the company depends on the skill level of employees. The qualifications of specialists can be improved if attention is paid to training and strategic planning. Retraining of specialists and advanced training are crucial for effective work firms, but not all company leaders understand this. But the question of personnel training is very important. This applies to both large organizations and small firms. It is necessary to put the professional development of employees in the rank of priority tasks, then the company will be provided with qualified specialists.

It is imperative to improve the qualifications of the management staff of enterprises. We are talking about managers who head the departments of personnel, marketing, etc. The set of programs should correspond to modern realities. It is good if the line managers of the organization complete programs that teach the evaluation of management effectiveness. This training helps managers learn to make the most of their workforce. This is very beneficial for the organization, because the competitiveness of the company increases not due to additional capital injections, but due to effective organization labor process.

Staff development needs to be planned. It is necessary to take into account the natural movement of personnel, which occurs due to the dismissal of employees, the retirement of specialists, and conscription into the army. The human resources department must prepare an equivalent replacement in advance, improve the level of training, unite the team and increase the potential of the team.

Much attention in Lately is given to increase the efficiency of labor. This problem concerns ordinary employees, managers and technical workers. Separately, it is worth considering the problems of the lower level - they have their own characteristics.

Today, there are many practical methods that help to effectively manage personnel. You can make progress in management if you constantly monitor existing problems.

The most common HR problems

The main problems of personnel management can be the following:

  1. "Best Student" The problem is that the best specialist becomes the head of the department. But he knows only his work, excellently oriented in his field, and has a general idea about other areas. This can cause errors in the management of people in the enterprise.
  2. "Your boyfriend." Managers often have to overcome the resistance of employees. And workers can get tired of conflict situations at work.
  3. positive projection. The problem is that managers mentally put themselves in the place of employees, and then think about how they would act in the place of a person. This cannot be done, because each person has his own view of the situation. In addition, each employee has individual features character.
  4. "Circus Star" Many company owners believe that an employee, receiving wages, must work hard.
  5. Big difference in size wages. We are talking about a significant gap between the income of the superiors and the staff of the company. The gap can be significant, then the income differs significantly.
  6. "Waiting for a Hero" A number of managers, interacting with personnel, seem to be waiting for a hero to appear in the department who will solve all problems in an instant. This ideal worker never gets sick, he is ready to work until the night and not demand better conditions labor. But in practice, such employees cannot be found, and the manager expresses dissatisfaction with the current employees. All this only exacerbates conflicts in the enterprise.
  7. A number of managers in every possible way maintain a distance between themselves and the specialists working in the department. Personnel management is based on strict requirements, the manager often makes claims. This leadership style is not conducive to creating a comfortable atmosphere. The staff is moving away from the manager.
  8. Personnel turnover. The reasons may be different. Employees leave due to low wages. In addition, the inability of the manager to manage people, the inefficient organization of the work of specialists is pushing for dismissal. Organizations may avoid hiring young professionals, and when they are hired, the atmosphere in the team can be so negative that the newcomer quits. So the company loses promising specialists.

These problems of personnel management are relevant for many companies. A competent leader, using theoretical knowledge and applying modern practical skills, will cope with all the unpleasant situations that arise in the team.

Personnel Management. Problems and ways to solve them.

People are the main resource of any enterprise, the quality of products, the level of service, the overall growth and development of the company depend on the staff. Correcting the work of the staff is the first thing that the head of the company should do.

Personnel Management is a very complex and delicate matter and often over time the problems become more and more. After all, in order to lead, you need to have knowledge in a variety of areas (management, psychology, strategic planning, and so on). It is important to build a personnel management system at the enterprise that will help solve the problems of the company and get rid of some of the problems of personnel management. Management of human resources of the company is a set of measures for the creation and development of qualified personnel capable of achieving the goals of your business.

Now, regardless of the available domestic and foreign methods of personnel management, each individual company builds its strategy individually. In some firms, a large HR department is formed already at the initial stage, and technologies are applied, while in others, there may not be a definite system or management strategy for a long time.

An interesting fact is that in foreign companies personnel management is carried out with an emphasis on technological methods, and in Russian companies - mainly on the opinions and experience of managers. In other words, they determine the priorities in the personnel policy of the firm. The most important thing is to find the optimal balance, when a competent social program supports employees, satisfies them and motivates and a system of subordination and punishment, which sets the framework and deadlines for achieving the goals of the company.

To obtain the result, it is necessary to adhere to the tasks set at the enterprise and the interests of employees. But in reality it is very difficult. There are too many factors affecting the work of employees, and it is impossible to take into account all of them, on the other hand, significant resources are required for personnel management (HR department, outside consultations, and so on), so each company prioritizes according to its own capabilities.

The leader, who is concerned with achieving effective management of his subordinates, is faced with the task of creating such a working environment that will most effectively influence their labor motivation.

Under the motivating work environment, we understand the entire context of the professional activity of the organization's personnel, including both the characteristics of work tasks and the characteristics of the work situation that affect the work motivation of employees.

Systematic consideration of the problem of labor motivation of employees of the organization requires taking into account the following factors:

    individual characteristics of employees;

    features of the work performed;

    characteristics of the working situation in which labor activity takes place;

    identifying job satisfaction.

To identify the satisfaction with the work of the personnel of organizations, it is necessary to conduct a study. Any research should begin with the formulation of goals. An ill-defined problem will not allow you to correctly determine the objectives of the study.

The simplest and most effective method is the questionnaire survey.

Most often, employees of organizations are dissatisfied for the following reasons:

The amount of wages. On average, 68% of the respondents note average satisfaction with the size of wages.

Prospects for professional and career growth. Surveys show that more than half of employees do not see growth prospects in this organization.

Awareness in the enterprise. 40% of employees noted the lack of information about the goals and objectives of the enterprise.

Working conditions.

Reliability of work, giving confidence in the future. The low level of this indicator is more likely associated with the instability of the Russian market, rather than specifically with organizations.

Work as a means to achieve success in life. More than half of the respondents indicated average satisfaction with this indicator. This is connected not only with the enterprise, but also with the low standard of living in Russia.

There are several ways to improve management efficiency labor resources. Based on the conducted research, they can be divided into five relatively independent areas:

1. Financial incentives. Wages are of the utmost importance for workers. Of course, the motivational mechanism of remuneration plays a large role, but a constant increase in the level of remuneration does not contribute to both maintaining labor activity at the proper level and increasing labor productivity. The application of this method can be useful for achieving short-term increases in labor productivity. In the end, there is a certain imposition or addiction to this type of exposure. Unilateral influence on workers only by monetary methods cannot lead to a lasting rise in labor productivity.

2. Improvement of working conditions. The most pressing problem of today. At the stage of transition to the market, the importance of working conditions as one of the most important human needs increases. The new level of social maturity of the individual denies the unfavorable conditions of the working environment. Working conditions, acting not only as a need, but also as a motive that encourages work with a certain return, can be both a factor and a consequence of a certain productivity of labor, and, consequently, the effectiveness of its management.

3. Improving the organization of labor. It contains: setting goals, expanding labor functions, enriching labor, production rotation, the use of flexible schedules, improving working conditions, studying the time spent by the employee on work, the pace of work, strengthening feedback.

4. Involvement of personnel in the management process. One way to apply this method is to Western firms using a form of so-called "partnership" participation. Any person who comes to the firm knows that he has the opportunity to become its partner. But this opportunity is not given to him immediately. First, he must prove himself in business. However, the practice of career growth in this company provides that in order to achieve each next stage of job development, a person must work at the previous one for at least 4-6 years. Partners usually become those who go through 3-4 stages in their development, that is, they grow up to the position of a fairly large manager. When a person receives an offer to become a partner, he already occupies a fairly high managerial position, which means he understands the seriousness of the company's development issues, has a good idea of ​​the market requirements, the competitive environment, the conditions for survival, and the like. Becoming an owner, he is no longer inclined to extremist demands for maximizing dividends, if only because he expects that dividends will be a significant help to him even in the period when he retires. And for this, it is necessary for the company to live and develop steadily not only today, but also in the long term.

5. Non monetary incentives. This type stimulation includes:
- moral stimulation;
- free time stimulation;
- organizational stimulation.

When determining what should be the ideal work for subordinates, one should not strive for excessive specificity and originality. All the same, it is rarely possible to take into account the difference in tastes and personal opinions of everyone, so the manager, as a rule, strives to increase integral productivity. If the manager takes into account the factors below, he has a chance to get confirmation of the maximum number of his subordinates.

The ideal job should:

Have a purpose, i.e. lead to a certain result;

Evaluated by colleagues as important and worthy of being done;

Enable the employee to make the decisions necessary to carry it out, i.e. there must be autonomy (within limits);

Provide feedback to the employee, assessed depending on the effectiveness of his work;

To bring fair remuneration from the point of view of the employee.

Designed according to these principles, work provides inner satisfaction. This is a very powerful motivational factor that stimulates the high-quality performance of work, and also, according to the law of the rise of needs, stimulates to perform more complex work.


  1. Actual problems of personnel management and their possible solutions based on motivation. http://www.klubok.net/pageid504.html

  2. Personnel Management. How to be and what to do? http://www.finansy.asia/node/132

  3. http://www.glossary.ru/cgi-bin/gl_exs2.cgi?RRyoszrowuigtol!ywzkg

Emotional burnout of employees directly affects the successful operation of the company as a whole. How to act, what to pay attention to and what measures to take? In the article, proven methods of prevention and useful step-by-step instruction for HR. Bonus - a table that will tell you that your employee has signs of emotional burnout.

From the article you will learn:

What is emotional burnout

The concept of "emotional burnout" in psychology describes a syndrome that occurs in employees during long and stressful work. Most often, the victims of this syndrome are workers who are in daily contact with a large number of people - psychotherapists, teachers, social workers, client managers. Representatives of professions associated with constant nervous strain and a high level of personal responsibility are also at risk: high-ranking managers, lawyers, firefighters, doctors.

Read in HR magazine:

7 factors that cause emotional burnout

  1. Constant processing and congestion.
  2. Constant communication with strangers or unfamiliar people, for example, with customers.
  3. Lack of career growth and professional development.
  4. Unhealthy atmosphere and tensions in the team.
  5. Low self-organization and excess free time.
  6. Routine, monotonous work and lack of a motivation system.
  7. Illiterate management methods, uneven distribution of responsibility.

Useful material in the magazine "Director of Human Resources". Heads of departments work almost until night. How to unload?

Note! The most prone to burnout at work are introverts, workaholics, as well as naturally sensitive and emotional people. Women face this problem more often than men. Consider these nuances when working with personnel in order to motivate each employee, taking into account his psychotype. The expert of "System Kadra" will tell, how to determine the motivational type of an employee and choose motivation tools

For an employee, emotional burnout is fraught with a loss of interest in work, apathy, and the collapse of a career. For the employer - a decrease in labor productivity, conflicts at work, a drop in income. Therefore, it is necessary in time, at the very first signs, to recognize a dangerous syndrome and help the employee cope with difficulties.

How to recognize emotional burnout of a person

Emotional burnout affects 3 vital and professionally significant areas:

  1. Physical.
  2. Intellectual.
  3. Moral and psychological.

Pay attention to warning signs - "red flags" that indicate a problem. Use a chart to tell if your employee is showing signs of burnout.

The experts of the HR Director magazine will tell you if professional burnout threatens you and your subordinates.

Methods for preventing emotional burnout

It is impossible to completely eliminate the influence of stress factors in work. But the correct prioritization and competent work rationing significantly reduce the risk of employee burnout. Don't wait for red flags to appear: anticipating a problem is much easier than dealing with its consequences.

Proven methods for preventing burnout

  • Develop an employee

A clear career path, the opportunity to learn new skills and become a valuable professional is a great inoculation against burnout. Spend trainings And role-playing games , attract coaches, send employees to professional development courses and plan their careers.

  • Motivate an employee

Communicate to the employee the goals of the company, explain what benefits his activities bring. Find tangible or intangible ways of motivation that can affect a particular person.

  • Avoid Routine

Change the environment in which the employee works, set new goals and objectives for him. Make him a mentor, delegate new powers - in a word, keep your interest in work at a high level.

The expert of the magazine "Director of personnel" will tell,

  • Take care of your employees

A sense of security reduces the level of anxiety and stress caused by work. If the work is stressful, organize a systematic rest for the staff, review the regimen, take additional breaks. Help employees find a balance between their personal and professional lives.

  • Maintain a positive attitude

This helps professionals in positions of responsibility or working in challenging environments to reduce stress levels. Host corporate events , praise for professional achievements, do not leave the success of employees without attention.

  • Rotate

Horizontal and vertical rotation is a great way to “shake up” employees and bring back interest in work.

  • Improve working conditions

Avoid overtime, evenly distribute duties and responsibilities in the team. Regularly monitor employee engagement and assess satisfaction with working conditions. Special questionnaire It will help to assess the situation in the team and find out how susceptible employees are to organizational stress.

But what to do if emotional burnout overtook the HR itself? The experts of the magazine "Director of Human Resources" give 6 holiday options which will definitely help.

What to do if an employee has emotional burnout

Some employers in such cases immediately look for a replacement. The policy of searching for new employees in the place of "burnt out" is not The best way maintain the high performance of the team. Such an attitude towards personnel will have a bad effect on the reputation of the company. Experts from the HR Director magazine will tell you what to do if

Remember that there is always an effective way to motivate existing employees and return their interest in work, you just need to find it.

Step-by-step instructions: motivate employees

Step 1: Diagnose

Rate Current state employee using Boyko's diagnostic method or Rukavishnikov's questionnaire With table-key . With burnout, the crisis manifests itself at all three levels: emotional, intellectual, physical.

Step 2. Determine the target impact factor

For example, on the physical level, it can be a long absence of vacation, chronic fatigue, a busy work schedule, etc. On the psycho-emotional - loss of orientation in the profession, disappointment in authorities, bad relations with a colleague. On the intellectual - lack of training or too high a load. The list of factors is very extensive, so you need to choose the key ones and work with them first.

Step 3. Eliminate the most harmful factors by direct countermeasures

If an employee has not rested for a long time - send him on vacation, if he solved too many tasks at the same time - delegate part of the authority to other employees.


The heads of several departments of the Kappa company at once became apathetic, stopped showing initiative. The HR director, who was instructed to look into the problem, using a questionnaire, Boyko found out that we were talking about an emerging emotional burnout, and held a separate conversation with each leader. It turned out that the most serious stress factor for almost all managers was frequent meetings, leaving no time or energy to work in departments. As soon as the number of meetings was reduced to one every two weeks, the performance of line managers improved markedly.

Step 4. Stick to the three-letter method: “F→P→I”

First, restore the physical strength of the employee, then normalize the psycho-emotional state, and only at the very end, proceed to the actualization of intellectual skills and training. While the physical and mental resources of a person are depleted, he is not able to concentrate on new tasks and self-development.

Remember that the key to success is an individual approach. This point is especially important when working with talented and valuable employees. First you need to identify their individual needs and motivators, and only then - to draw up a plan of action. The experts of the HR Director magazine will tell you,

Emotional burnout is reflected in professional activity, physical well-being and mood of a person. The task of HR is to recognize the syndrome in time and take real steps to eliminate stress factors as soon as possible. Sometimes even a short extraordinary leave helps the employee to return to normal, but in some cases radical measures are required: transfer to another department, implementation flexible schedule work, referral to retraining courses.

IN modern world new challenges face organizations. The main ones are: stimulating the work of hired personnel, preventing "brain drain", indexing wages in the face of inflation, ensuring that the level of staff qualifications meets strict requirements modern economy and, finally, strengthening the sense of belonging to the firm among staff, etc.

But even now there are contradictions between the proclaimed goals and functions of personnel management departments, so the list of duties includes actions for accounting, control, motivation of personnel, regulation of relations between management and personnel, but in reality, the functions of personnel management services, judging by the facts, turn out to be folded. The heads of these services assess their role in the management of social personnel processes as secondary, believing that everything depends on the management of the enterprise.

It is known that the successful development of production in modern conditions largely depends on the competitiveness of the staff. And it is achieved by constant training of personnel, improving their skills and strategic determination of their number and professional orientation at the moment and in this production. The narrow skills of the managerial corps, especially its top management, had a negative impact on the transition to market relations from the very beginning of the reforms. It turned out that "many managers failed to organize the work of their subordinate institutions in general and orient it to the study and satisfaction of consumer demand in particular. It was also a great difficulty for them to determine the directions for using resources, first of all, this applies to such important resources as personnel , fixed assets, financial resources".

This gives grounds to assert that the key problem for the vast majority Russian enterprises- the problem of inefficient personnel management. Right now is the time when it is necessary to pay closer attention to the systematic training and, especially, retraining of qualified specialists. This will make it possible to respond faster and more efficiently to changes in the country, to strengthen market activity elements of stability, solidity, representativeness, sober calculation, rejection of excessively risky speculative play.

Market educational services turned out to be practically unbalanced with the real needs of the skilled labor market. The quality level of employees of enterprises is significantly inferior to the requirements for international market labor. The personnel management system at most enterprises does not correspond to the strategy of market reforms, which to a large extent hinders the possibility of implementing sustainable stabilization programs, revitalizing production and restructuring the economy, and improving the quality and competitiveness of Russian products.

It is necessary to train and significantly improve the skills of the leadership corps in management, marketing, innovation, personnel management and a number of other disciplines, taking into account the characteristics of modern economic situation and the Russian market. Formation of the business services industry should become one of the primary problems of structural investment policy.

Of the most acute problems, it should also be noted such as: the departure of qualified specialists, low performance and labor discipline of personnel, insufficient qualifications of personnel and individual managers, unsatisfactory moral and psychological climate, low level of motivation of employees, and as a result, insufficient initiative of employees in solving production problems. problems, confrontation between administration and staff.

It should also be noted the erosion of traditional values, which leads to serious disorders of personal beliefs and values. Stress, pressure and uncertainty are increasingly present in most forms of organizational life. This significantly complicated the system of motivation and incentives for employees, primarily in connection with hiring on short-term contracts, promotion of various preconditions(including the probationary period), strict linkage of material incentives with the profit received and other factors.

When reviewing methods of personnel management that do not correspond to the state external environment, management may encounter conflict generated by the rejection of new methods organizational culture firms because of the conservatism and inertia of some part of the team. Such a conflict can be quite painful and destructive in its consequences.

So K. Davis identified three groups of reasons for resistance to innovation. The basis of all economic reasons is the fear of loss of earnings, which forms an anti-innovation attitude in the worker. hired personnel qualifications incentives

Regarding the reasons of a personal nature that encourage people to oppose the innovation process, it can be said that the main one is the resistance of the individual to the depreciation that the innovation process very often brings with it.

In the group of anti-innovation barriers that are of a socio-psychological nature, most of the reasons are based on a person’s reaction to accompanying ones in many organizations. innovation processes, a kind of encroachment on his psychological comfort.

These and some other problems raise the question of improving the personnel management system for managers. However, often one has to face the fact that, trying to put the work with personnel in the company at the proper level, managers make a number of mistakes that do not allow them to achieve the goals for which, in fact, work with personnel was started.

To eliminate such shortcomings, personnel development planning is necessary. First of all, this is the planning of the natural movement of personnel - retirement, dismissal due to illness, in connection with study, military service, etc. This is not difficult to do, but it is important to prepare an equivalent replacement in a timely manner. Another thing is more difficult - to strengthen the potential of the team, to increase its competitiveness.

There are several ways to do this, including: careful selection of personnel, systematic improvement of their qualifications, creation of conditions for the most effective manifestation of their abilities and the development of a methodology for assessing the actual effectiveness of the work of the team.

Many commercial structures in Russia are now following a different path. Instead of stepping up work on adapting collectives to the conditions of economic reforms, taking care to ensure a painless psychological restructuring of each person, especially experienced specialists, workers are sometimes ruthlessly dismissed as not adapting to new requirements. Such an approach is a manifestation of a short-sighted policy. After all, any replacement of an employee is an economically expensive undertaking. This damages the reputation of the firm.

A special place in the process of professionalization of management is occupied by the problem of "obsolescence". "Obsolescence" occurs when an individual uses points of view, theories, concepts and methods that are less effective in solving a problem than others that currently exist. Of course, not every example of the ineffectiveness of a firm's personnel management is associated with "obsolescence". Laziness, lack of understanding, overload with other responsibilities can also lead to inefficiency. But the cost to a firm of developing and adopting second-rate solutions to emerging problems is likely to be much greater than the cost required to overcome the "obsolescence" of its staff.

Management practice also shows that in any company, as a result of a combination of different reasons, the presence of conflicts is inevitable. Conflicts arise, often, due to the dissatisfaction of the staff with the assessment of their work by the head. In the case of very serious conflicts, there may even be a shift in organizational goals.

It is significant that in the activities of the leader himself, as the main subject of management, there are various contradictions associated with undesirable tendencies in people's behavior. The complexity of assessing these phenomena lies in their heterogeneity.

It should be noted that recently in our country certain work has been carried out to train high-class managerial personnel, various business schools are being organized, and a lot of specialized literature, albeit of different quality, by domestic and foreign authors is being published.

However, in the literature on management topics, as a rule, publications of an educational and educational nature predominate, considering mainly the history and foundations of management, special management issues ( financial management, personnel management, situational and system approaches to management, sociology of organizations, marketing). In this sea of ​​publications on management problems, there is clearly not enough literature for specialist managers, top management.

There are also problems of the lower level of personnel management, which have their own aspects and features. "An important point in their assessment is that, in terms of their mentality and roles, lower managers belong to managers, and vice versa, the situation contributes to the fact that their psychology approaches the workers. Such a dual position in the company often leads such managers to a stressful state."

Recently, much has been said about the fact that the roots of the problems of most Russian enterprises lie in inefficient management. What is effective management, each of the enterprises that have managed to adapt to new conditions, understands in its own way. Everyone finds their own control levers, implements their own management principles. But until now, the valuable experience developed by each of the enterprises has remained only its experience.

At the same time, there are positive experiences that need to be studied, improved and recommended for implementation. The results of the activities of many enterprises and the accumulated experience of their work with personnel show that the formation of production teams, ensuring High Quality human resources are decisive factors in production efficiency and product competitiveness.

Problems in the field of personnel management and daily work with personnel, according to experts, in the short term will be constantly in the focus of attention of management. In the future, with the development of scientific and technological progress, the content and conditions of work will become more important than material interest.