Earnings on the Internet

Pocheptsov communication technologies of the 20th century. The development of communication technologies in the XX century. Approximate word search

Pocheptsov communication technologies of the 20th century.  The development of communication technologies in the XX century.  Approximate word search

Georgy Pocheptsov





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ISBN 5-87983-082-9 (reflbook) © G.G. Pocheptsov, 1999

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Chapter first.Communication space and his organization.

1. Symbolic organization.

2. Visual organization.

3. Event organization.

4. Mythological organization.

5. Communicative organization.

Chapter two. Public relations manager as a profession.

6. PR as a field professional activity.

7 . The job of a PR manager

Chapter three.Image maker as a profession.

8. Image and its features.

9. The work of the image maker.

Chapter Four.Spindoctor as a profession.

Introductory words.

11. Spindoctor and his work.

12. Management of news generation mechanisms as the basis for the work of the spindoctor and press secretary.

13. Features of the communicative space, significant for the spindoctor.

14. Russian experience of communicative event management

Chapter five.Informational and psychological warfare.

Introductory words.

15. General model of impact in the information campaign.

16. Intensive impact models (brainwashing method) 17. Psychological operations and asymmetric nature of information weapons.

18. International Impact Projects on public opinion.

Chapter six.Negotiator as a profession.

19. The negotiator and his work.

20. Theory of negotiations.

21. Negotiations with terrorists.

Chapter seven.Crisis specialist as a profession.

22. Features of crisis communications.

23. Mechanisms of communication impact in times of crisis.

24. Crisis communications in the Chernobyl situation.

Chapter eight.Electoral (humanitarian) technologies

25. Factors of image formation within the framework of the election campaign.

26. Strategy and tactics of the election campaign.

27. Symbolic "copy" in the elections.

Chapter nine.Speechwriting as a profession.

28. Speechwriter and his work.

29. Speeches, their writing and pronunciation.

Chapter ten.Press secretary as a profession.

30. Press secretary and his work.

Chapter Eleven.Hearing specialist.

31. Rumors and their use.

Chapter thirteen.Psychotherapist.

34. Psychotherapeutic communication.


Group psychotherapy.

Chapter fourteen.General Model communication technology.


Why does a dog wag its tail?

Because she's smarter than her tail.

If it were the other way around -

the tail would wag the dog.

(From the American film "Tail Waving the Dog")


In this book, we will look at most of the technologies of the 20th century. These communication technologies have a large amount of common characteristics, which allows them to be combined under a single book cover. Their characteristic feature is an attempt to influence the mass consciousness, which distinguishes them from other options for interpersonal influence.

If communication theory is the basic research discipline for a given professional field, then public relations are the same basic applied science. This is reflected in the constant flow of specialists from one area to another. Thus, in the United States, a number of specialists enter the sphere of public relations after working in the so-called Krill committee, which was engaged in propaganda primarily within their own country. In the UK, a similar transition took place after the Second World War, since these specialists in the field of "intensive communication" to accept the sphere of advertising because of its insufficient development in the face of scarcity of products.

PR, like other communication technologies, being mainly an invention of the twentieth century, will move with us into the twenty-first century, where they will be fully developed. The professions of the future must be prepared today.

All these professions are not something new for us, under other names, in work with a different intensity, they existed in the Soviet period. If, for example, a speechwriter was called a referent, then this did not change the nature of his work. Or such an example as the work of the Foreign Policy Information Department of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Its first head, L. Zamyatin, recalls: “The new department of the Central Committee, relying on the extensive information received by the Central Committee through the channels of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the KGB, the GRU and from other sources, was to prepare detailed analytical reviews with conclusions and recommendations, which lay on the table of the Secretary General , and, at the same time, were reported to the members of the Politburo. These reviews contained, as a rule, specific proposals on how to respond to certain important events taking place in the world, through our press, special information and disinformation services of the KGB "*. As you can see, there is both the work of a spindoctor and the work of a specialist in psychological operations. By the way, F. Taylor** also emphasizes that Soviet propaganda specialists more often won in their initiatives, since propaganda was interconnected with politics. No less significant is his remark that the Soviet Union did not so much lose the Cold War as declared a "default" (after the events of August 17, this word has already become quite Russian).

In sum, we can combine all these new professions with the word "communicator". This word has already appeared in the language of the elite. Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Oleg Sysuev says: "The situation in the regions is in many respects different from what is happening in Moscow in the party headquarters. People there look at things much more realistically, there is a different language of relations. And it is there that we are going to act as communicators" * **.

A communicator is a profession of the future, the status of which will constantly increase as we move towards an information civilization.
* Zamyatin L.M.Gorby and Maggie. - M., 1995. - S. 13.

** TaylorP.M. Munitions of the Mind. A History of Propaganda from the Ancient World to the Present Day. - Manchester etc., 1995. - P. 268

*** "general newspaper", 1999, № 4.

Chapter first

Communication space and its organization

1. Symbolic organization

What is the benefit of a symbol for building communication? The symbol contains more information than common word. The symbol, as a rule, relies on a more ancient arsenal of influence than our current acquisitions. A symbol is something that has already acted on our ancestors as an effective tool.

The word is also a symbol. But it is a symbol with a more well-defined area of ​​content. Typical characters tend to be more emotionally loaded with a less clear content area. Wed "star" or "swastika", where the rational content is additionally entered by those who use them. The vagueness of the content side allows communicators to use symbols to their advantage. W. Reich devotes a separate chapter of his book to the symbolism of the swastika*. He treats her as a sexual symbol. But this is only one of the possible interpretations.

We are moving in the process of encoding messages within the visual space (through the centuries, constantly improving
* TaylorP.M. Munitions of the Mind. A History of Propaganda from the Ancient World to the Present Day. - Manchester, 1995. - P. 52-53.
visual encoding). For Russia, a typical example is the transition from religious icons to political posters from the time of the civil war. F. Taylor, for example, considers the posters of that time the greatest contribution of the Soviet Union to the history of fine arts, noting that the Bolsheviks chose the most effective method in the conditions of illiteracy of the population of that time. That is, the visual method is constantly among the leaders, except for the short dominance of the radio. We can picture it like this:
icons posters radio TV
The visual message is more long-term. It is generated according to uniform norms, which can be seen in the emergence of the same ideas within the Western and Eastern versions of the following posters: "Chatterbox is a godsend for a spy" and "Have you signed up as a volunteer?" Similar sets of cartoons were sold after the accidents at Tree Mile Island and Chernobyl. We think in the same way, generating the same types of solutions, which are then visualized with some variations.

The special role of the visual channel led, for example, to the introduction of censorship in the field of visual messages in the model of communication with the press during the Persian Gulf War, as a result of which photographs of destroyed American tanks and wounded soldiers were not published. Television, being primarily a visual channel, "leveled" this situation with computer animation, which brought additional costs.

The absence of a visual television channel in some historical periods did not relieve humanity's craving for visuality. For example, it is estimated that 20 million postcards with the image of Mussolini were issued, they depicted two thousand different subjects. Moreover, not only the propaganda machine was engaged in the release of them: people need to visualize those whom they consider heroes.

However, visualization can set something that originally might not have been. The Catholic Church, for example, had doubts about the correctness of the image of God in the image of a handsome old man with a gray beard. “For Pope John Paul II, these images are no longer convincing. Over the past 20 years, the pope has carried out an actual revision of the theological doctrine, during which he came to the conclusion that the human principle should not be so clearly present in the image of the Deity, while the early Christians took pagan figures as a basis the god Zeus, which strongly smacks of idolatry. True, the pontiff did not instruct the artists how to portray the Almighty, and refrained from commenting on the gender of the Creator. However, the media did it for him, remembering the previous Pope John Paul I. In three short weeks During his reign in 1978, he amazed the world with the revelation of the feminine essence of God, who should be considered a mother rather than a father. That is, the once chosen visualization gave rise to the type of God, which today is already difficult to change.

The television channel has brought the politician's face closer to the population, and as a result, various problems arise. So, M. Thatcher in election posters was thought to portray a younger one. But then they abandoned this idea, because they realized that the voter would compare the television Thatcher with her poster and draw a conclusion about the lie embedded in it. On the other hand, the creators of R. Reagan's election posters were not afraid to make them based on early filming of the actor-politician. V. Kostikov has similar problems in mind when he talks about the changes that a politician’s appearance undergoes while in power: “Perhaps nothing wears out a person like power and the struggle for it. And this is not only Yeltsin’s problem. Remember the faces of Gorbachev, Rutskoi, Khasbulatov, Stankevich, Sobchak, Shumeiko - how they were "good fellows" when they first came to power, and how worn out when "walking in power". Losses are inevitable here. I observe this on the faces of my friends from the team colossal nervous
* "Abroad", 1999, No. 3.
stress, disturbed sleep. Of course, the lack of positive emotions also has a negative effect - a consequence of working in conditions of crisis and instability. "* So the problem of recognition also has a negative aspect.

Visual symbols, compared with verbal ones, have greater durability and versatility. For a communicator, these are very important parameters. W. Eco notes "immeasurable distances separating dictators (Hitler in the stadium in Nuremberg and Mussolini on the balcony of the Palazzo Venezia) or despots sitting on their high thrones" **. You can add to this list the world's largest squares, blast furnaces, etc.

Visual symbolism also provides a multi-channel impact, which the communicator strives for. Messages sent through multiple channels must correlate with each other. Royal speech should match the pomp of royal attire. The jester's clothes, woven from multi-colored pieces, reflect his type of messages. A clown with a huge red nose, red hair and boots of unimaginable size cannot act as an object for veneration.

Yeltsin on the tank repeats Lenin on the armored car. It is a model of spontaneity, fear and call to action. Fear, danger was demonstrated by A. Korzhakov, who covered B. Yeltsin with a bulletproof vest. The conscription nature is associated with the right to appeal in such a situation, which only leaders have. Only the crowd, itself deprived of the right to vote, can listen to them.

Violation of the type of clothing demonstrates a loss (Germans in women's attire near Moscow). Kerensky was deliberately mythologized in a woman's dress in order to demonstrate the lost nature of the confrontation. Kerensky simply in hiding is not as effective as Kerensky in women's clothing. Stalin in a soldier's overcoat demonstrates all the axioms of Soviet society such as "equality" and "brotherhood".
* Kostikov V. Romance with the President. - M., 1987. - S. 193.

** Eco W. missing structure. Introduction to semiology. - St. Petersburg, 1998. - S. 250.

The lavishly decorated Brezhnev reflects the mixing of genres: one cannot be afraid of a leader who is laughed at. B. Borisov speaks in this case about his operatic character: “L. Brezhnev in this manner of stylistic assessment of the image has the appearance of an opera singer. Numerous orders and thick eyebrows complemented opera attributes. Paradoxically, all this was emphasized by diction, or rather its absence, with phraseological masterpieces type "the peoples of the Asian contingent" *. We would rather speak in this case of an operetta character, given the reaction of the audience. It is for the operetta that a dual point of view is characteristic, when some situations and faces on the stage are unknown to the characters, but known and understood by the audience (for example, knowledge / not knowing that the hero is actually the heroine).

Unfortunately, the dictators Lenin and Stalin most ideally demonstrate the qualities of a leader. The crowd in relation to them does not experience ambivalent feelings, but only a feeling of admiration. The crowd brings to life the characters with the hyperbolization of one feature, it is they who have a hypnotic effect on the mass consciousness. The crowd is in a state akin to a hypnotic trance. Let's call it crowd trance, when erasure occurs individual differences, and the variant of herd behavior becomes dominant. For this reason, the crowd operates only with polar reactions such as adoration / rage. In general, in any meeting, collective emotions become the main ones, while individual behavior is blocked. For example, in order to achieve the necessary unity of behavior, totalitarian sects try not to leave a person alone with himself.

For the crowd, the main ones are negative emotions. Its positive direction requires skillful conducting, like solemn meetings, where there is a fairly strict script. The crowd "eats" intermediate arguments, operating only on the goal. There is a corresponding communicative rule: “Messages related to goals are better received by the audience than messages related to goals.
* Borisov EL. Advertising and public relations. Alchemy of Power. - M., 1998. - S. 85.
related to intermediate steps and methods for achieving these goals. "* The crowd does not respond to complex content.

At the same time, it should be remembered that visual symbols are a form for a certain content. Successfully selected content becomes the key to the success of a visual symbol. R.E. Herzstein describes the posters that brought Hitler to power: “Hitler’s enemies were the embodiment of evil, while Hitler was presented as an avenging angel who stood up for outraged Germany. Posters appeared everywhere - on the walls of buildings, in kiosks, in the windows of party institutions and in the windows of everyone, who sympathized with Hitler. Their topics were simple, but they appealed to two strong emotions: hatred and idealization "**.

One can also cite the opinion of V. Kostikov about the clearly visualized speeches of the opposition press that most annoyed him. For example: "Yeltsin with a glass, Yeltsin with a bottle, Yeltsin" in a dance, "Yeltsin with a puffy face after tasting koumiss in Kalmykia ... All these pictures are well known to us from photographs, and from cartoons, and from mocking ditties in newspapers" Day" or "Soviet Russia"***.

Visual symbols from different systems weakly interact with each other. Therefore, the city can be decorated with monuments from different eras. Visual symbols themselves generate a context around themselves.

3. Event organization
There is an important pattern that is familiar to all influencers: not only do people believe more in what they see than in what they hear, but they also believe events more than words. The reason for this is the same in both cases. The word is always a description of the situation, and when we evaluate it, we begin to consider it as the truth or
* CenterA. H., Jackson P. Public Relations Practices. - Englewood Cliffs., 1990. - P. 5.

** Gertsstein R.E. The war that Hitler won. - Smolensk, 1996. - S. 257.

*** Kostikov V. Romance with the President. - M., 1987. - S. 162.
lie. An event is always reality, that is, always true. Therefore, it convinces more. At the same time, people usually do not think that the event can also be organized and rehearsed. By the way, the American Psychic Operations Field Manual, when talking about organizing a crowd for some purpose, emphasizes that it should look spontaneous, not organized.

The event should be remembered for its originality. For example, when preparing Boris Yeltsin's visit to America, he named the state of Montana as the place to visit. “For me to go to Montana,” Yeltsin explains, “it’s the same as if President Bush, once in Russia, would go to Magadan. It would be a shock for everyone. In politics, you need to be able to find a twist ...” *

Another example that remains in the memory of Canadians is B. Yeltsin's trip to Vancouver. S. Yastrzhembsky recalls: “Boris Nikolaevich amazed everyone when he got off the plane in the pouring rain without an umbrella. Everything looked amazing. At the airport, as it should be on an official visit, they lined up a guard, a guard of honor. And suddenly Yeltsin refuses an umbrella in the downpour.

There is an alphabet of events that allows you to write the necessary scripts in a fairly technological manner. A stormy meeting, a protracted expectation, delight - all these are cubes, from which skillful specialists put together the necessary set to reflect what was planned. An event in politics will never be random. Only the system survives, designed to reflect the characteristics that are needed at the moment.

The event allows you to "drag" the leader's inherent characteristics. That is why politicians like to discover everything new, cutting ribbons, they like to meet famous people, falling under the halo of their attention. Yeltsin when visiting the troops in a red beret and military uniform reflected the determination of the authorities to fight the opposition. The pre-election Yeltsin in a sweater at KVN displayed openness and simplicity, which is a characteristic that "works" on
* Kostikov V. Romance with the President. - M., 1987. - S. 60.

elections because the population wants to elect someone who can hear about their troubles. The event "finishes" the politician's image to perfect completion. And this is better perceived by the population than a verbal story about the same policy.

An event can also be organized against one or another background, which in turn will influence the interpretation of the event, the behavior of its participants. V. Kostikov recalls the meeting of B. Yeltsin with the chief editors of newspapers. “Subsequently, such meetings were repeated more than once, and at the suggestion of the president, they began to be held not in the solemn Catherine’s Hall, where the walls themselves, with their royal gilding, seemed to muffle the sharpness and frankness of the discussion. But in one of the nearest country mansions on Academician Varga Street, in called the ABC mansion. Meetings with journalists here took place in a fairly relaxed atmosphere with a minimum of protocol conventions. After the official part, the conversation was transferred to the table and often dragged on "*.

N. Khrushchev's meeting with the creative intelligentsia was based on a similar model. Mikhail Romm recalled: "Khrushchev got up and said" that we invited you to talk, they say, but in such a way that the conversation was more sincere, better, more frank, we will be frank with you, we decided here - first let's have a bite. We'll have a bite, and then let's talk." True, the second meeting took place already in the hall.

An event is the same version of a message as a verbal text. Any event is built in accordance with the need to generate information, only in a different way. The solemn assembly reflected reverence, so it granted the right to vote only to the elect. M. Gorbachev's meeting with the people on the street was supposed to symbolize not only new thinking, but also a new type of listening, which was not the case with previous Soviet leaders.

In conclusion, we give an example of the lengthy conclusions of psychologists about President Yeltsin:
"Psychologists spoke with assistants, watched videos of various Yeltsin's "appearances" to the people, wrote
* Kostikov V. Romance with the President. - M., 1987. - S. 78.

** Romm M. Oral stories. - M., 1989. - S. 126.
generally reasonable conclusions. They said that Yeltsin should not wave his hand so sharply, he should not sit in front of a television camera with a stone face, it would be good to smile more often, it would be good to show him more in the family circle, it would be better to speak not on television, but on the radio - and so on and so forth. ..."
In general, these recommendations did not go beyond the normal common sense. They are suitable for any politician who would like to improve his image. Well, for example:
"Speech and behavior should reflect determination to achieve success, confidence in the ability to achieve this, calmness, lack of a sharp reaction to malicious attacks and criticism, goodwill towards all who at least somehow constructively support the Constitution, composure" *.
It follows that the pre-calculated characteristics of the leader must be realized in events specially designed for this case.
4. Mythological organization
Myths act as a data bank from which all serious ideas and goals are drawn. Even if we do not recognize the existence of certain archetypes, we should agree that a certain set of plots has a high degree of repetition, and a new plot arises based on their existence. Let's take for example an American film called "My Friend Dutch" in translation. In it, a rich boy from a divorced family travels across America to his mother, accompanied by her lover, whom he hates because he belongs to a different social environment. During this journey, he gets rid of his arrogance and ends up turning his back on his rich father. Before us is the plot of The Prince and the Pauper, in which wealth is associated with a set of not very good qualities. Caught in real, not greenhouse,
* Kostikov V. Romance with the President. - M., 1987. - S. 163.
conditions, the boy has to give up many habits in order to adapt to his new environment. For example, in a canteen for the poor, he shares a piece of bread with a little Negro girl; begins to show qualities that he did not have before. These qualities take into account the existence of other people who previously did not have access to the world of this boy.

The famous film "Home Alone" exploits the mythology "My home is my fortress", it is reliance on it that allows a little boy to resist two adult robbers. It is this mythologeme that sets all the rules of behavior and justifies the plot.

The very idea of ​​a "happy ending" is again mythological, since it sets a clear interpretation of the world: no matter what happens in it, the world still rewards the worthy. This is a fairly Christian notion, and that is why it is so widespread. In addition, the tension created by the film, from the point of view of psychology, must be resolved.

The simplicity of American cinema, which often irritates the European audience, at the same time speaks of reaching a level more appropriate for the mass audience. This is where the box office success of these films comes from. Cinema in this regard acts as a serious indicator of the interests of the mass consciousness. The childishness of American adult cinema (such as "Superman") speaks only of the childishness of the mass audience in its total quality. If commercial success lay in a different plane, the cinema would quickly rebuild, since it does not dictate its own interests, but reflects the interests of its audience.

S. Eisenstein believed that the form in art is set by a tendency to regress, that is, reliance on proven plot patterns, while the content gives a tendency to progress. Vyach. Sun. Ivanov formulates S. Eisenstein's ideas about the main problem of art in the following way, where a combination of the conscious and the deeply sensual is being searched for: "Influence on the viewer or listener is possible only if the form of the work is addressed to these deep archaic layers of consciousness. It is inseparable from them and therefore may be subjected to the most severe criticism of those higher strata of consciousness whose participation in contemporary art is desirable, but not always feasible. The circus, from the point of view of Eisenstein, exploits this sensual component to the maximum, therefore it cannot be loaded with any content.

Any social group begins to "overgrow" with a common mythology as a result of numerous communicative contacts. Including artificially created identities. For example, "new community - Soviet people" possessed not only official Soviet mythology, but also unofficial one, expressed, for example, by the film "The Irony of Fate", in which there were no ideological references at all, which completely contradicted the official layer supported by the state apparatus. A set of films broadcast by television on New Year's holidays, clearly reflects the existence of this "meta-culture" as common for both Russia and Ukraine.

There is a certain genre mythology, an example of which is detective. It takes place under the sign of the mythological confrontation between the villain and the hero, the latter often being realized in the form of a detective, a policeman. The villain, within the framework of the proposed grammar, must win all the battles except the last one. In this case, the hero must win in a one-man duel, without resorting to the help of his colleagues. For this reason, the last fight, like many others, is almost indistinguishable from the attack of the villain. You can also highlight the following deviations of the detective from the norm. Firstly- this is involvement in action, when the viewer / reader practically does not have the opportunity to tear himself away until the last second / last page. We can say that in this case the verbal and, accordingly, the discrete text turns into a continuum characteristic of the visual text. W. Eco writes about visual communication: "In the continuum of the iconic sign, we are not able to isolate discrete semantic distinguishers, putting them forever on the shelves"**.
* Ivanov Vyach. Sun. Aesthetics of Eisenstein // Ivanov Vyach. Sun. Selected works on semiotics and cultural history. - T. I. - M., 1998. - S. 287.

** Eco W. missing structure. Introduction to semiology. - St. Petersburg, 1998. - S. 137.

Secondly, priority is given to different types of signs. If the signs-symbols are characteristic for the norm, then for the detective, signs-indexes are significant, according to which the crime is restored. Thirdly, the detective is more emotionally loaded. This kind of text is reflected in its plot poverty. Strictly speaking, we have the same ratio in such emotionally loaded texts as pop songs, which are also characterized by the poverty of the plot. This is probably a general characteristic of mass culture. In summary, we can present these differences in the following table:

Getting into the sphere of such grammar quite clearly defines the possible ways of development of the situation in the detective story, which distinguishes it from other similar genre mythologemes.

Mythologemes are interesting for the communicator because they are accepted by everyone as a given, without checking for truth. Joining the myths allows you to dramatically increase the effectiveness of messages. Thus, the instructional letter "On the procedure for media coverage of events around the Chechen conflict and its information support"* is based on old and current mythologemes. For example: "To show that the Russian statehood in the face of disloyal Chechens has an incorrigible enemy nurtured
* Information war in Chechnya. - M.. 1997. - From 89 - 91.
and supported from abroad and by fascist elements from the CIS countries".

"Choose a derogatory form of presentation when describing the leaders of the enemy, revealing all their primitiveness, bitterness, cruelty and bestial essence."

"Create information arrays that mark the power and spirit of the Russian army, the strength of Russian weapons. Reveal the mercantile interest of Chechen fighters-bandits and their inherent fear."

Here there are clear references to already repeatedly tested mythologemes, which should be revived and applied to a new object.

5. Communicative organization
As a law of communication technologies, one should recognize the tendency to rely on the communicative flows already existing in society when issuing one's messages. Communication underlies them, because by making changes in communication they try to achieve changes in behavior due to the changes made in the model of the human world. These transitions can be illustrated as follows:
changes in communication changes in the model of the world changes in behavior

Having chosen to rely on the types of communication available in society, we naturally move on to the next step - relying on the most effective types of communicators for this audience. This is due to the adopted two-stage communication scheme, when it was found that the audience is not only and not so much influenced by the media as the subsequent discussion of their news along with "opinion leaders". The term "key communicators" is used in the same sense.

R. Orth proposes to distinguish between "people of prestige" and "key communicators"*. Both those and others have
* Orth R.H. Prestigious Persons and Key Communicators // Military Propaganda. Psychological Warfare and Operations. - New York, 1982.

effect on the public, but "people of prestige" are more likely to play the role of "gatekeepers" who determine what news will reach the audience. At the same time, "key communicators" themselves influence the population. Since they are in constant contact with the population, they are better aware of its desires and interests. There are two types of key communicators: those with influence in one area and those with influence in many areas. The latter types are more characteristic of traditional types of societies. The list of "key communicators" is specified by the choice of the topic in question. But at the same time, for some societies, it is possible to compile a list of carriers of such communicative influence. For example, for Thailand, this list is as follows (in order of importance): monks, professionals, military, government officials, doctors, merchants. Unlike the older generation, young people follow foreign news more closely.

General characteristics key communicator can be summarized as follows (R. 343):

He is more open to the media and other sources of information, he passes this news on to the group, interpreting it along the way.

It usually starts the process of technological innovation.

He takes a more central position in society, more clearly expressing the values ​​of his group. He is more part of the group than people of prestige.

In area Agriculture, public relations, medicine, his status is higher than that of others.

He is usually more educated.

He is younger.

From this set of features it follows that we have a younger member of society, who is nevertheless more educated and holds higher positions. To find key communicators, the following is suggested:

sociometric method: group members are asked who they turn to for advice or information.

Key communicator method: the experimenter asks the most informed members of the group who they consider key communicators.

Self-determination method: the respondent answers a set of questions to determine if they are a key communicator.

In another work, R. Orth highlights a number of characteristics of the message source that affect its effectiveness*:

Proximity with the recipient of information. The proximity of estimates is more important than the proximity of the area in which the impact is achieved. In general, the closer the source and destination are to each other, the sooner the change in destination will be achieved. By the way, for this reason, in the theory of negotiations, one of the first rules requires demonstrating the closeness (biography, interests, hobbies, etc.) of the negotiator with the opponent.

Intention. If the intent to persuade is clear, the audience will be suspicious of the message. When conducting psychological operations, it is important to remember that the consumer of information will always seek to attribute intention to the impact of such messages. A possible strategy in this case is to demonstrate that the source is sympathetic to the recipient.

Contradiction. It should be such that there is room for common action. Therefore, the source must be within the limits of what is acceptable to the recipient of the information.

Reliability. The source must be trustworthy for the recipient. It may be valid for a recipient in one situation but invalid in another. This phenomenon should be analyzed only from the point of view of the audience.

Expertise. To be effective source should have expertise in the area under discussion.

In general, the communication process should proceed in such a way as to enhance those parameters that have

* Orth R.H. Source Factors in Persuaion // Ibid.
acting force on the source. R. Cialdini considered such influencing characteristics as titles, clothes and attributes*. Experiments, for example, showed that 95% of nurses automatically followed clearly erroneous doctor's instructions. In terms of clothing, the uniformed experimenter had more success when he forced others on the street to comply with some of his demands. For example, the percentage of pedestrians who obeyed the demands of a man in uniform was 92%. Prestige cars were considered as an example of an attribute: 50% of drivers patiently waited for such a car to move off at a green traffic light, while almost everyone honked when the same happened to a cheap model in front of them. That is, in a number of situations a person behaves automatically, without thinking, and these situations are of particular interest to the communicator.

The dissemination of ideas may be subject to the theory of diffusion by E. Rogers**. In accordance with it, 5% of the population becomes the critical point of distribution, but in order to convince them, 50% of the population should be reached with your message. When passing through 20%, the idea already lives its own life and no longer requires intensive communicative support.

E. Rogers proposed six stages through which the process of adapting an idea goes:

1. Attention.

1. Interest.

3. Evaluation.

4. Examination.

5. Adaptation.

6. Confession.

E. Rogers also singled out the following five types of people in relation to the recognition of a new idea or product:

1. innovators, the number of which is 2.5%. They are mobile, have communication outside the local culture, and are able to recognize abstract ideas.

* Chaldini R. Psychology of influence. - M., 1999.

** By Center A.H., Jackson P. Public Relations Practices. - Englewood Clifls, 1990.

2. early adapters, making up 13.5%. This is a respectable group integrated into the local culture and representing opinion leaders in it.

3. early minority, constituting 34%. These are hesitant. They embrace new ideas just before the average citizen does.

4. Late majority, constituting 34%. These are the skeptics who decide after the average citizen does. For him, the pressure of others is important.

5. late adapters, making up 16%. These are traditionalists. They are the last to make decisions and are very suspicious of everything new.

Such distribution is important for the promotion of new goods and services, since their introduction is possible only with the help of certain segments of the population, which are more disposed to everything new. There is also a group of people who are fundamentally far from anything new.

It is also necessary to pay attention theories of communication systems as a subsection of communication theory. Both theories are based on the concept of information asymmetry, but its use is different. Information asymmetry brings communication to life so that as a result of its past communication equalizes the knowledge of the source and the recipient. Basically about communicative unit we can speak precisely in the aspect when the decision of one individual is carried out by another, that is, when there is a transition between two systems. Communication is always an interlevel transfer of information.

At the same time about communication system we are talking about a system in which information asymmetry is maintained. For example, text is such a closed communication system. It can be viewed as a certain accumulation of communicative disturbances, due to which its own rules of conduct begin to operate within its framework.

Communication systems are interested in the means of creating and maintaining information asymmetries. In the text, it will be: allowed and prohibited behaviors of heroes, typical characteristics of a hero / anti-hero, typical ending, typical ending (for example, happy end). Text is an artificially maintained asymmetry within a certain space. Therefore, researchers of the text attach special importance to the concept of its framework, boundaries. The consumer of information is interested in information asymmetry - cf. return to the same text, rereading the text.

Communication systems can be divided into monologic And dialogic. In the first case, the generation of the message takes place in one place, for the system the most significant is the "purity" of the communication channels, so that the message reaches its destination without interference. The consumer has no right to evade the execution of the order contained in the message. When a message reaches it, it is followed by an automatic response.

A variant of monologue communication can be a monument on the square, which cannot be opposed in the form of a dialogue. Therefore, the monument will always be a message from the authorities. The authorities, however, always give preference to classical art, rather than mass art, since it is also more monologue.

In the dialogical system, there are many sources that have the right to generate messages. In the first case of hierarchical communication, there is a constant need for the sacralization of the source (leader, body of texts). In the second case, it becomes more important to develop a coordinated response. Hence the focus on conservatism in the first case and the focus on innovation in the second. In the first case, those who are closer to the source, to the set of texts, come to the fore. This is a function of the interpreter (for example, the classics of Marxism-Leninism). If the text remains unchanged, it must be interpreted in such a way that it corresponds to the constantly changing reality. In a dialogical system, the text initially corresponds to reality, since it is constantly changing. In one case, we have an unchanged text, in the other - a changeable one.

A communicator is a specialist in creating information asymmetries, in the functioning of communication systems. "Iron Curtain" is one of the filter options (censorship, gatekeeper theory "a") that allows

keep information asymmetry within a certain space. The communicator is interested in the longevity of his information asymmetry in order to withstand outside disturbances, as he generates messages in a competitive communicative environment.


In modern conditions, attention to such a social phenomenon as communication has sharply increased. Communication becomes the object of research on various levels and in various concepts: sociological, cybernetic, political science, sociobiological, philosophical, psychological, linguistic, cultural. This situation is quite natural and understandable.

taking place in modern world The global transformation of industrial society into an information and communication society is accompanied not only by the penetration of communication into all spheres of society's life, the emergence and development of a qualitatively new type of communicative structures and processes, but also by a deep rethinking of the communicative nature of social reality, modern changes in the social and communicative sphere, places and the role of communications in the development of society.

So, modern Russian reality convincingly demonstrates the possibilities of mass communication as a means of forming "models" of social reality, as the most important source of normative patterns circulating in society.

This study is devoted to the problem of adapting communications to the conditions of the new information society, which is developing as a result of the emergence of new online resources and the development of new channels of information delivery by the audience. Let's turn to the concept.

Communication technology is a sequence of actions in communication that affects the mass consciousness and uses the features of the mechanisms of perception, changes in opinions or attitudes to the subject, as well as other social and socio-psychological mechanisms.

Mandatory building blocks communication technologies are the source of communication, the channel, the message and the recipient of the message. It is also necessary to take into account other elements of communication models, such as code, manipulator tool, default figure, feedback, message author, information noise. Communication technologies include a set of methods, techniques, techniques and specialties, united by scope and purpose.

Communication technologies are not exclusively today's invention, because, for example, a sermon, a book, and shamanic singing - all this is a communication technology of varying degrees of intensity. Ultimately, they are all aimed at certain changes in consciousness. And they do it with quite predictable consequences.

First of all, such technologies include advertising, marketing communications, information management, public relations, promotion, press mediation, publicity, imageology, exhibition business, election technologies, psychology, crisis management, news, rumors, etc. At least I am interested in issues of information and psychological warfare, protection of information from unauthorized access, industrial espionage, as well as issues of information and disinformation. Solovyov A.I. Fundamentals of information and communication activities. http://slou.net/index.htm

Development communication technologies in the 20th century

The twentieth century has come to an end. Along with discoveries in science, technology, medicine, the century was marked by the rapid development of means and methods of transmitting information. The foundations laid in the last century by the works of P.L. Schilling, A.G. Bella, D. L. Baeda, gave impetus to what, to a greater or lesser extent, is our everyday life: telephone and television communications, e-mail, answering machines, the Internet. The old term “means of communication” has been replaced by a new one: “communication technologies” or “communication technologies”.

The improvement of communication technologies has a significant impact on the form and functioning of the organization, including aspects such as structure, management system, direction of information flows and the way information is transmitted, organizational culture. Studies of the nature and consequences of this influence are being carried out both in our country and abroad, where, due to historical reasons, such studies were launched earlier. This article offers an overview of the efforts of Western experts in this field over the past two decades.

In his book "Communication Technologies of the 20th Century" G.G. Pocheptsov considers “most of the technologies of the 20th century”: “These communication technologies have a large amount of common characteristics, which allows them to be systematized. characteristic feature is an attempt to influence the mass consciousness, which distinguishes them from other options for interpersonal influence ... Communication technologies, being mainly an invention of the twentieth century, will move with us into the twenty-first century, where they will receive their full development. Professions of the future should be prepared today” Pocheptsov GG Communication technologies of the twentieth century. - M.: Reflbuk, Vakler, 2000. - S. 4.

What professions do you mean? These are: PR manager, image maker, spin doctor, speech writer, press secretary, election technologist, negotiator, psycho-operator, crisis manager, rumor specialist, advertiser, psychotherapist.

These or other types of professional activity use the communication technologies corresponding to them, which, in turn, are special and exclusive know-how.

It is interesting that rumors are also a kind of “soft” communication technology, where it is important not so much to transfer the information itself, but to transfer, most often, a negative emotional reaction.

I would like to dwell on some communication technologies that are the most popular on the market.

Public relations.

Public relations is a phenomenon much deeper and wider than just departments operating in individual organizations and institutions, or independent public relations consulting firms that clients turn to. Both theorists and practitioners of the public relations system constantly emphasize that it is the science and art of shaping public opinion in the desired direction.

Public relations is a management function designed to evaluate the attitude of the public, identify the policies and actions of an individual or organization in relation to the public interest, and carry out a program of activities aimed at achieving understanding and acceptance by the masses. .

How public relations management functions cover:

· anticipation, analysis and interpretation of public opinion, attitudes and controversial issues that can positively or negatively affect the activities and plans of the organization;

advising management at all levels of the organization on decision-making, direction setting and communication with mandatory accounting the social consequences of its activities, as well as the social and civic responsibility of the organization as a whole;

· continuous development, implementation and evaluation of activity and communication programs to ensure that an informed public understands the objectives of the organization, which is an important prerequisite for their achievement. These can be marketing programs, funding programs, fundraising programs, employee relations programs, government agencies.

planning and implementation of the organization's efforts aimed at improving social policy;

· setting goals, drawing up a plan and budget, recruiting and training personnel, raising funds, in other words, managing resources to carry out all of the above.

The communication space is filled with messages from various sources. The task of PR is not to control all this by no means Brownian movement, which is almost impossible. PR tries to create within this communication space an environment favorable for its objects. This is a narrower task, so it seems possible to achieve it. There is a struggle to get into the focus of public attention, a struggle for a balanced combination of positive and negative statements about the PR object. [ 29. - C. 28]

PR relies on the existing communication flows, be it mass media or rumors, trying to prepare its own message options for them. The complexity of such units lies precisely in the fact that they must satisfy the requirements of two systems at once: the external one, which forms the communication space, and the internal one, which meets the specific goals of PR work. [ 15. - C. 56]

In general, it can be noted that regardless of whether or not a given firm or organization is specifically engaged in PR, the latter is still engaged in them, since there are communication flows, this or that reputation is formed. But a person tends to buy products known to him, apply to a well-known company, ignoring unknown products, an unknown company. As Peter Green writes, "PR doesn't create sales, it creates an atmosphere in which sales are more likely to be made."

One of the important aspects of the overall perception and assessment of the organization is the impression that it makes, that is, its image (image). Regardless of the desires of both the organization itself and public relations specialists, image is an objective factor that plays a significant role in assessing any social phenomenon or process.

Corporate, or organizational image is the image of the organization in the representation of public groups. A positive image increases competitiveness commercial organization On the market. It attracts consumers and partners, accelerates sales and increases their volume. It facilitates the organization's access to resources (financial, informational, human, material) and the conduct of operations.

The image may be slightly different for different groups of the public, since the desired behavior of these groups in relation to the organization may differ. In other words, the same organization may be perceived differently (or strive for a specific perception) by investors, government agencies, local and international communities. For example, for the general national public, the civic position of the company is preferable. To the international public, global companies aspire to be "corporate citizens of the world". For partners, the high competitiveness of the company is important. In addition, there is an internal image of the organization - as a representation of staff about their organization. It can be said that the organization has several images: for each group of the public - its own. The synthesis of ideas about the organization of various groups of the public creates a more general and capacious idea of ​​the organization.

A well-chosen image is the most effective way to work with mass consciousness. The image reflects those key positions to which the mass consciousness unmistakably reacts. This is an attempt to transfer mass consciousness to automatic reactions.

It specifies the proven ways to identify an object. As a result, the object becomes recognizable and harmless. We begin to easily predict his actions. Let's call this image function identification.

There is another function of the image that we must take into account. Let's call it idealization. In this case, the image tries to wishful thinking. In both cases, the image has the function of opposition, since it is built systematically, based on other images that already exist.

The corporate image is also significant in financial management. The image is an implicit (intangible) asset, reflected in the corresponding item of the active part of the balance sheet of North American and Western European companies in value terms.

Image, of course, is a tool for achieving the strategic goals of the organization. Strategic goals are those that affect the main aspects of the organization's activities and are oriented towards the future. The benefits of a positive image are clear. A positive image is created by the main activity of the company, as well as targeted information work, focused on target groups of the public.


The spindoctor's job is to prepare the audience's expectations. She is predetermined exactly how she will act when an event occurs. Most often, the spin doctor is busy correcting media coverage of an event after the information development has taken on an unfavorable connotation. The word "spin" itself means "spinning, whirling". That is, it is the presentation of events in a more favorable form. In modern language, we can define this area as news management.

The spindoctor organizes and reorganizes the event in its communication plane. The main aspect of each organized event is its consequences for the mass audience (“how will it backfire?”). Each step is measured from this perspective. For an event from the position of a spindoctor, the purely communicative aspect turns out to be dominant.

The spindoctor is able to play the situation, and this is his most important property. It does this by selecting the most effective messages, placing them in the most important channels, and choosing the right time to do so. The best of them are media virtuosos. The spindoctor is aimed not so much at creating, as at preventing the creation of the wrong event, which is required. The spindoctor can also leak information, can deploy pressure groups throughout the country, which are called upon to support certain demands. Its possibilities are wide, if not boundlessPocheptsov GG Communication technologies of the twentieth century. - M.: Reflbook, Vakler, 2000. - S. 58. However, the spindoctor's possibilities are not unlimited. However, this new specialty shows us completely new possibilities for controlling the mass consciousness.


New information Technology type of the Internet today are actively used to disseminate various information.

The advent and development of the Internet has added whole line tools whose function is to achieve the goal of promoting products, as well as several additional tasks associated with the use of the Network - these include the creation and promotion of their own website and the formation of their own unique image on the Internet, the organization feedback through forums, email, etc.

The communication policy pursued on the Internet is a course of action of an enterprise aimed at planning and implementing the interaction of a company with all subjects of the marketing system based on the use of a set of Internet communication tools that ensure stable and effective formation of demand and promotion of goods and services to markets in order to meet the needs of customers and making a profit.

A company's Web site is usually the centerpiece of its Internet communications policy. Therefore, the task of promoting it is so important, the successful implementation of which largely determines the effectiveness of the entire communication policy.

Having a well-developed traditional brand can also make it much easier to build an effective online policy, but it is possible that in order to achieve maximum efficiency Communication on the Internet will require the creation of a new brand or the transformation of an existing one, making it interactive.

According to the intensity of impact, communication technologies can be divided into low-intensity and high-intensity.

High-intensity technologies make it possible to effect changes in the minds of the public in a short period of time. Low-intensity technologies are designed for a longer period. As a result of their action, a favorable context is created for possible future actions. Low-intensity technologies have the advantage that their goals are known to the communicator, but unknown to the recipient of the information. In the case of high-intensity technologies, the purpose of communication is clear to both the sender and the recipient. Therefore, it may meet resistance from the audience; in the case of low-intensity technology, the target turns out to be “hidden”, which makes it possible to present it as neutral information.

Mythological communications can be attributed to the number of low-intensity technologies, when one or another basic system of values ​​is created. Almost all periods of our history are associated with one or another system of mythological values, which, in turn, allow us to interpret the events of the next levels.

High- and low-intensity technologies solve different types of problems. The combination of both makes it possible to carry out a wide range of specific tasks. But in any case, the low-intensity technology must first come into play, creating a positive context for the subsequent entry into action of the high-intensity technology.

Communication technologies help to strengthen existing positive characteristics and hide or reduce the impact of negative characteristics. Within a single communication campaign, there can be low-intensity and high-intensity elements. Some of them are focused on the long-term result, others - on the short-term. Some act indirectly, others directly. But it is the long-term elements that make it possible to systematically connect the elements of a short-term impact.

At the same time, the reaction to low-intensity elements is more successful in terms of impact, since they do not require significant shifts in consciousness.

Communication technologies are precisely technologies, since they give a greater share of the probability of achieving the planned result. This is not a random, but a systematic process aimed at unconditional impact on the audience.

distribution channels.

Decisions about the choice of distribution channels are among the most complex and responsible that a company needs to make. Each channel is characterized by its own levels of sales and costs; having chosen a specific marketing channel, the firm should, as a rule, use it for a sufficiently long period of time. The choice of channel will have a significant impact on other components of the marketing mix and vice versa.

Each firm needs to develop several options for reaching the market. Unlike direct selling, these routes to the market are channels with one, two, three or more levels of intermediaries. Distribution channels are characterized by constant, often dramatic changes. The three most significant recent trends are the spread of vertical, horizontal and multi-channel marketing systems. These trends have important implications in terms of cooperation, conflict and competition in distribution channels.

Media systems of the XXI century.

Mass communication media system.

The beginning of the 21st century was marked by new changes in the development of information and communication structures, which have a huge impact on media systems. Wireless internet access and mobile telephone communications are key elements in the new trends observed in media systems in the early years of the new century.

The most important aspects that determined the development of the media at the end of the 20th century were digitization (digitalization), globalization and convergence with the Internet, which has become the main integrating factor. Today, important innovations have made themselves known: mobile phones have begun to show their integrating and convergence potential, thanks to which they can probably become an important new element of the information space - in contrast to or in addition to the Internet. Global television has opened up opportunities for competition in the coverage of news and international affairs, especially in the areas of economics and finance. The history of communication systems depends on at least six main factors - information needs, communication strategies and technologies, the needs of society, politics, economics and culture. The need for information forced the leaders of the ancient tribes to send out messengers and forced the Roman emperors and caliphs to create efficient postal and road systems; the printing revolution of Gutenberg opened a new era of periodicals, the needs of society and the political struggle in the French kingdom forced Louis XIII to start publishing the Gazette; the economic and financial needs of the Fugger family contributed to the creation of a periodical press in Germany; freedom of the press, the growth of literate people in England created an audience for the British press of the 18th century and gave rise to a public sphere that contributed to the development of civil society. Technological realities have created opportunities for the further development of the media, while political and economic conditions, culture, social and communication needs dictated what the content of journalistic production should be - news, commentary, advertising, entertainment, sports.

The most significant challenge for the communication structure connected around the Internet comes from mobile phones, whose advantage is the ability to provide two communication services at once - this is both access to media content and its transmission, which leads to their true interactivity. During the second war in Iraq, mobile phones proved to be extremely effective. Thanks to them, a very easy-to-use way to access information has appeared. Cell phones appear to have a good chance of becoming a new medium and a way to bridge the digital divide. Another challenge is the demonopolization of global television networks. The Arab global television network Al Jazeera tried to compete with CNN in its coverage of the second Iraq war. Thanks to networks such as Euronews, Deutsche Welle, the BBC and TV5, global television has become more pluralistic, undermining CNN's monopoly. The demonopolization of global television has opened up new avenues for the development of pluralistic and public interest oriented media structures. The relationship between global, regional and national media systems has become another important factor in the development of new paths to pluralism in media structures based on new technologies, and this raises a key issue modern development new media: this includes access to the Internet, new media and mobile phones.

Started with the Tokyo Olympics new stage development of the international information space. Global coverage of the Olympics by means of satellite television allowed residents of all continents to simultaneously watch various competitions - and this meant the creation of a global information space, the main element of which was global television networks. The components of the global information space have become not only global television companies, but also global radio stations and newspapers broadcasting to the whole world.

The Internet has become the integrating core of the global information and communication system based on the digital structures of print, radio and television. Easy access to the global web and the rapid development of its national segments have made the Internet a necessary component of both the international global space and information systems, and the national global space and media structures.

The Internet integrates six media channels - press, film, radio, television, telephony and online media. This is the second stage in the development of the global information system. The Internet is developing a complex unified global and at the same time nationally fragmented information and communication system, which can even include individual sites that are available all over the world.

The structure of mass media at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, which is based on the Internet, opens the way to the information society, where access to all types of information is simplified depending on the availability of a computer and the ability to access the Web. The digital divide is becoming a barrier, an obstacle to realizing the possibilities of new information technologies.

New and old content providers for new and old media cannot keep up with the skyrocketing demand driven by media diversity and the speed at which information is delivered to users. The texts of the online versions of traditional media - newspapers, magazines, radio and television make up a significant part of the content on the Internet. The same function is carried out to an even greater extent news agencies which have undergone great changes: in addition to providing analytical news, they meet the demand for providing a number of types of content: statistics, graphs, stock market indices, financial, economic, technical and scientific information, information about culture, literature, music, theater, cinema and sports. As a result, agencies have seriously increased their volume and share in meeting the public interest, and have become an important element of the content industry. But even more important was convergence, which allowed advertising and public relations companies, now closely related, to adapt their many services to new media; moreover, convergence involves Internet sites as content resources research institutes, software companies, consultants and specialized databanks. Convergence is at the heart of the most important transformations in the content industry today, and the Internet is its main repository.

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«Georgy Pocheptsov COMMUNICATIVE TECHNOLOGIES OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY Ref-book Wakler UDC 659.4 LBC 71.413 Managing editor S.L. ..."

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Pocheptsov G. "Communication technologies of the twentieth century"

Georgy Pocheptsov





Pocheptsov G. "Communication technologies of the twentieth century"

Managing editor S.L. udovik

Design by V.V. Chutur

Reprinting of individual chapters and the work as a whole without the written permission of the Refl-book or Wackler publishers is prohibited and punishable by law.

The publication was made with the assistance of LLC "Elga" ISBN 5-87983-082-9 (Ref-book) © G.G. Pocheptsov, © Refl-book, 1999 ISBN 966 543-049-1 (Wackler) © Wackler, series, 1999 ISBN 5433-048-3 (series) Contents Foreword.

Chapter first. Communication space and its organization.

1. Symbolic organization.

2. Visual organization.

3. Event organization.

4. Mythological organization.

5. Communicative organization.

Chapter two. Public relations manager as a profession.

6. PR as an area of ​​professional activity.

7. The work of the PR manager.

Chapter three. Image maker as a profession.

8. Image and its features.

9. The work of the image maker.

Chapter Four. Spindoctor as a profession.

Introductory words.

10. Spindoctor: from the history of different times and peoples.

11. Spindoctor and his work.

12. Management of news generation mechanisms as the basis for the work of the spindoctor and press secretary.

13. Features of the communicative space, significant for the spindoctor.

14. Russian experience of communicative event management Chapter Five. Information and psychological warfare.

Introductory words.

15. General model of impact in the information campaign.

16. Intensive impact models (brainwashing method) 17.

Psychological operations and the asymmetric nature of information weapons.

18. International projects on the impact on public opinion.

Chapter six. Negotiator as a profession.

19. The negotiator and his work.

20. Theory of negotiations.

21. Negotiations with terrorists.

Chapter seven. Crisis specialist as a profession.

22. Features of crisis communications.

23. Mechanisms of communicative influence in crisis situations.

24. Crisis communications in the Chernobyl situation.

Chapter eight. Electoral (humanitarian) technologies

25. Factors of image formation within the framework of the election campaign.

26. Strategy and tactics of the election campaign.

27. Symbolic "copy" in the elections.

Chapter nine. Speechwriting as a profession.

28. Speechwriter and his work.

29. Speeches, their writing and pronunciation.

Chapter ten. Press secretary as a profession.

30. Press secretary and his work.

Chapter Eleven. Hearing specialist.

31. Rumors and their use.

Chapter thirteen. Psychotherapist.

34. Psychotherapeutic communication.


Group psychotherapy.

Chapter fourteen. General model of communication technology.


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Foreword In this book, we will look at most of the technologies of the 20th century. These communication technologies have a large amount of common characteristics, which allows them to be combined under a single book cover. Their characteristic feature is an attempt to influence the mass consciousness, which distinguishes them from other options for interpersonal influence.

If communication theory is the basic research discipline for a given professional area, then public relations are the same basic applied science. This is reflected in the constant flow of specialists from one area to another.

Thus, in the United States, a number of specialists enter the sphere of public relations after working in the so-called Krill committee, which was engaged in propaganda primarily within their own country. In the UK, a similar transition took place after the Second World War, since these specialists in the field of "intensive communication" to accept the sphere of advertising because of its insufficient development in the face of scarcity of products.

PR, like other communication technologies, being mainly an invention of the twentieth century, will move with us into the twenty-first century, where they will be fully developed. The professions of the future must be prepared today.

All these professions are not something new for us, under other names, in work with a different intensity, they existed in the Soviet period. If, for example, a speechwriter was called a referent, then this did not change the nature of his work. Or such an example as the work of the Foreign Policy Information Department of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Its first head, L. Zamyatin, recalls: “The new department of the Central Committee, relying on the extensive information received by the Central Committee through the channels of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the KGB, the GRU and from other sources, was to prepare detailed analytical reviews with conclusions and recommendations, which lay on the table of the Secretary General , and, at the same time, were reported to the members of the Politburo.These reviews contained, as a rule, specific proposals on how to respond to certain important events taking place in the world through our press, special services information and disinformation of the KGB "*. As you can see, there is both the work of a spin doctor and the work of a specialist in psychological operations. By the way, F. Taylor ** also emphasizes that Soviet propaganda specialists in their initiatives more often won, since propaganda was interconnected with No less significant is his remark that the Soviet Union not so much lost the Cold War as declared a "default" (after the events of August 17, this word has already become completely Russian).

In sum, we can combine all these new professions with the word "communicator". This word has already appeared in the language of the elite. Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Oleg Sysuev says: "The situation in the regions is in many respects different from what is happening in Moscow in the party headquarters. People there look at things much more realistically, there is a different language of relations. And it is there that we are going to act as communicators" * **.

A communicator is a profession of the future, the status of which will constantly increase as we move towards an information civilization.

* Zamyatin L.M. Gorby and Maggie. - M., 1995. - S. 13.

**Taylor P.M. Munitions of the Mind. A History of Propaganda from the Ancient World to the Present Day. - Manchester etc., 1995. - P. 268 *** General Newspaper, 1999, No. 4.

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1. Symbolic organization Why is a symbol useful for building communication? A symbol contains more information than an ordinary word. The symbol, as a rule, relies on a more ancient arsenal of influence than our current acquisitions. A symbol is something that has already acted on our ancestors as an effective tool.

The word is also a symbol. But it is a symbol with a more well-defined area of ​​content. Typical characters tend to be more emotionally loaded with a less clear content area. Wed "star" or "swastika", where the rational content is additionally entered by those who use them. The vagueness of the content side allows communicators to use symbols to their advantage. W. Reich devotes a separate chapter of his book to the symbolism of the swastika*. He treats her as a sexual symbol. But this is only one of the possible interpretations.

With the help of symbols, we can connect to other, more information-rich areas. Strictly speaking, this is how P. Florensky interprets the symbol when he says that the symbol is greater than itself: “A symbol is such an entity, the energy of which, fused or, more precisely, dissolved with the energy of some other, more valuable entity in this respect, thus carries , in itself this latter"**. Interestingly, he operates with the phenomenon of resonance, which in our time is already included in special propaganda techniques.

* Reich V. Psychology of the masses and fascism. - St. Petersburg, 1997.

** Florensky P.A. Imeslavie as a philosophical premise // Florensky P.A. Op. - T. 2. - M., 1990. - S.

Politicians and statesmen are trying to connect to positively colored symbols. A certain law of attachment operates here: if an object X connects to a positively or negatively colored symbol, then it itself becomes positively or negatively colored in response. True, A. Volsky said in the program "Russian Century" (NTV, 1999, January 8) that all publications are good, except for the obituary.

One or another variant of behavior can be symbolic, symbolic. For example, L.

Zamyatin describes the first meeting of M. Gorbachev and M. Thatcher in the following way: “Gorbachev has in his pocket a memo “On Conversations with M. Thatcher” prepared and passed through the channels of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. light, about the weather, Mikhail Sergeevich put his hand into the inside pocket of his jacket in order to arm himself with instructions, and Margaret opened her black handbag. And then Gorbachev suddenly said: “But what if the din speak freely, without these papers?” “Oh, willingly! "- Margaret replied. This is how their conversation began11 *. M. Gorbachev and R. Reagan also refused papers at the meeting. Violation of the accepted ritual becomes a sign fact of behavior, predetermines its value, sets its special significance. is the choice of two options, and in the absence of a choice, we do not see these characteristics at all.Yu. Apresyan once proposed for analysis the phrase "On the way to work I meet a lot of sighted people in civilian clothes." Everyone interprets this phrase as that action takes place during the war, next to the hospital, etc. Although it fits the description of any working day at any point in space-time, where we always meet "a lot of sighted people in civilian clothes."

Symbols accumulate human experience, marking it key points. It is for this reason that humanity generates symbols and fights for symbols that act as cornerstones that separate types of life and social groups.

Symbols of other things clearly separated events, space and time from each other. The world was arranged by analogy with periodicals * Zamyatin LZh Gorby and Maggie. - M., 1995. - S. 18.

odic repetitions of the same events going back to primal events. In this cyclic cycle, only symbols were elements that belonged to all times at once.

Symbols bear this seal of times, acting as bonds between different historical periods.

The symbol is unique: the presence of it in me, at the same time implies the absence of it in you. B. Uspensky, for example, writes about Patriarch Nikon: “Undoubtedly, Nikon in his behavior proceeded from the presence of a special charisma received through patriarchal consecration.

This sacramental act, apparently, determined for him the fundamental difference between the patriarchs and all other Bishops”*.

Contact with the symbol gives the right to different behavior, not only the patriarch begins to have a special charisma, compare, for example, touching the shrines, which is characteristic of all religions. Here the corresponding effect is produced not by visual communication, but only by tactile communication. That is, this is one of the most ancient types of symbolic movements - touch. Modern societies practically do not use such symbolic movements, since they look anachronistic. Anachronism lies in the real materiality of the symbol, in this case and in real, and not mental action on the part of a person. It is from the past that the kiss of a banner or weapon comes.

Today's world has replaced all these real actions with verbal ones.

Symbols allow us to pacify the Brownian movement of our world. Without them, the world would change beyond recognition. Symbols, by their references to past experience, act as a certain mitigation of the real dynamics of the world. The world loses its dynamics when it comes into contact with symbols. The symbol in this regard slows down the too fast run of time.

Communicators always use symbols to their advantage. Symbols are usually materialized, which in the purely verbal world in which we live carries a double burden. Therefore, the presidents act against the background of their flags, Uspensky BA. The Tsar and the Patriarch: The Charisma of Power in Russia (The Byzantine Model and All Russian* Rethinking). - M., 1998. - S. 103.

each country has its own version of symbolization, which allows it to position itself among strangers. Wed the Statue of Liberty as a symbol of the American type and the Motherland as a symbol of the Soviet type. In the grammar of the American world, "Freedom" appears as allowing certain types of behavior. In the grammar of the Soviet world, the direction is reversed:

Citizens must act in defense of the Motherland. The two worlds in their symbols turn out to be differently oriented: the state, subordinate to man, and man, subordinate to the state. The fact that the Motherland is depicted with a sword demonstrates the fusion of several symbolic structures into one. These are protective and maternal functions, which, as a rule, are completely opposite.

The symbol is collective, the word is both collective and individual. Therefore, the symbol has a higher status than the word. Within our civilization, symbols often materialize as monuments. But "Worker and Collective Farm Girl" does not symbolize reality, but reflects a different symbolization, ideological - the structure of classes in former USSR. Therefore, if the symbol reflects reality, it is only indirectly. It expresses a different, symbolic system, which enhances the role of symbolization.

Symbols rarely conflict with each other (such as "star" - "swastika", "cross" - "crescent"). They live each in their own niche. Similar collisions are consciously created by people, artificially fixing the scope of symbols.

Symbols do not add up to a common grammar; people adjust it to fit them.

The contextual nature of the symbol can be illustrated by K. Simonov's remark about the creation of films of the Stalin era, "the program to combat cringing predetermined the creation of a number of films that asserted our priority in one area or another: field surgery - Pirogov, radio - Popov, Michurin - biology, Pavlov - physiology"*. This list clearly demonstrates the uniqueness of the symbol: nothing else can stand next to it, since it has occupied this space. Wed impossibility Simonov K. Through the eyes of a man of my generation. Reflections on I.V.Sgalins. - M., 1988. - S. 190-191.

* functioning in parallel with the five-pointed star of some other symbol. On the contrary, the star captures other areas: not only army symbols, but also the sign of the OTK, etc.

A symbol is ideal for any communicator, so all technological systems of communicative influence are necessarily based on symbols.

2. Visual organization The communicator works with symbols. The most efficient medium for the implementation of symbols is the visual medium. The symbol acts as a certain "anchor" for the situation that must be restored with its help. Quite often the way of generating a symbol in our time is running from its certain system properties, that is, those characteristics that the system requires from it.

Example. Edelweiss was chosen as the Fuhrer's favorite flower. In fact, Hitler did not like flowers at all. Edelweiss was the flower of distant mountain peaks, and Hitler, from the point of view of the Germans who listened to him, had a special accent of the same kind.

At the same time, it should be emphasized that this is not unique to our age.

Philip Taylor emphasizes: "The spread of Christianity was achieved with significant help from visual symbolism. Based on the vivid stories of the Old and New Testaments, visual symbols that were easily recognizable and beautiful in their simplicity (the cross being the most obvious example) helped to unite people from different areas and different social foundations into a single faith"*.

Visual symbolism also acts as a unifier because it does not care about differences in language that are important for a text message. For a visual symbol, the difference in culture is more important.

We move in the process of encoding messages within the visual space (through the centuries, constantly improving * Taylor P.M. Munitions of the Mind. A History of Propaganda from the Ancient World to the Present Day. - Manchester, 1995. - P. 52-53.

visual encoding). For Russia, a typical example is the transition from religious icons to political posters from the time of the civil war. F. Taylor, for example, considers the posters of that time to be the greatest contribution of the Soviet Union to the history of fine arts, noting that the Bolsheviks chose the most effective way in the conditions of illiteracy of the population of that time. That is, the visual method is constantly among the leaders, except for the short dominance of the radio. We can picture it like this:

icons posters radio television The visual message is more long-term. It is generated according to uniform norms, which can be seen in the emergence of the same ideas within the Western and Eastern versions of the following posters: "Chatterbox is a godsend for a spy" and "Have you signed up as a volunteer?" Similar sets of cartoons were sold after the accidents at Tree Mile Island and Chernobyl. We think in the same way, generating the same types of solutions, which are then visualized with some variations.

The special role of the visual channel led, for example, to the introduction of censorship in the field of visual messages in the model of communication with the press during the Persian Gulf War, as a result of which photographs of destroyed American tanks and wounded soldiers were not published. Television, being primarily a visual channel, "leveled" this situation with computer animation, which brought additional costs.

The absence of a visual television channel in some historical periods did not relieve humanity's craving for visuality. For example, it is estimated that 20 million postcards with the image of Mussolini were issued, they depicted two thousand different subjects. Moreover, not only the propaganda machine was engaged in the release of them: people need to visualize those whom they consider heroes.

However, visualization can set something that originally might not have been. The Catholic Church, for example, had doubts about the correctness of the image of God in the image of a handsome old man with a gray beard. “For Pope John Paul II, these images are no longer convincing. Over the past 20 years, the pope has carried out an actual revision of the theological doctrine, during which he came to the conclusion that the human principle should not be so clearly present in the image of the Deity, while the early Christians took pagan figures as a basis the god Zeus, which strongly smacks of idolatry. True, the pontiff did not instruct the artists how to portray the Almighty, and refrained from commenting on the gender of the Creator. However, the media did it for him, remembering the previous Pope John Paul I. In three short weeks During his reign in 1978, he amazed the world with the revelation of the feminine essence of God, who should be considered a mother rather than a father. That is, the once chosen visualization gave rise to the type of God, which today is already difficult to change.

The television channel has brought the politician's face closer to the population, and as a result, various problems arise. So, M. Thatcher in election posters was thought to portray a younger one. But then they abandoned this idea, because they realized that the voter would compare the television Thatcher with her poster and draw a conclusion about the lie embedded in it. On the other hand, the creators of R. Reagan's election posters were not afraid to make them based on early filming of the actor-politician.

V. Kostikov has similar problems in mind when he talks about the changes that a politician’s appearance undergoes while in power: “Perhaps nothing wears out a person like power and the struggle for it. And this is not only Yeltsin’s problem. Remember the faces of Gorbachev, Rutskoi, Khasbulatov, Stankevich, Sobchak, Shumeiko - what "good fellows" they were when they first entered power, and how worn out they were when they "walked in power."

Losses are inevitable here. I see it on the faces of my friends from the president's team.

The colossal nervous “Abroad”, 1999, No. 3, is having an effect.

* Loads, disturbed sleep. Of course, the lack of positive emotions also has a negative effect - a consequence of working in conditions of crisis and instability. "* So the problem of recognition also has a negative aspect.

Visual symbols, compared with verbal ones, have greater durability and versatility. For a communicator, these are very important parameters.

W. Eco notes "immeasurable distances separating dictators (Hitler in the stadium in Nuremberg and Mussolini on the balcony of the Palazzo Venezia) or despots who sat on their high thrones" **. You can add to this list the world's largest squares, blast furnaces, etc.

Visual symbolism also provides a multi-channel impact, which the communicator strives for. Messages sent through multiple channels must correlate with each other. Royal speech should match the pomp of royal attire. The jester's clothes, woven from multi-colored pieces, reflect his type of messages.

A clown with a huge red nose, red hair and boots of unimaginable size cannot act as an object of veneration.

Yeltsin on the tank repeats Lenin on the armored car. It is a model of spontaneity, fear and call to action. Fear, danger was demonstrated by A. Korzhakov, who covered B. Yeltsin with a bulletproof vest. The conscription nature is associated with the right to appeal in such a situation, which only leaders have. Only the crowd, itself deprived of the right to vote, can listen to them.

Violation of the type of clothing demonstrates a loss (Germans in women's attire near Moscow). Kerensky was deliberately mythologized in a woman's dress in order to demonstrate the lost nature of the confrontation. Kerensky simply in hiding is not as effective as Kerensky in women's clothing. Stalin in a soldier's overcoat demonstrates all the axioms of Soviet society such as "equality" and "brotherhood".

* Kostikov V. Romance with the President. - M., 1987. - S. 193.

** Eco U. Missing structure. Introduction to semiology. - St. Petersburg, 1998. - S. 250.

The lavishly decorated Brezhnev reflects the mixing of genres: one cannot be afraid of a leader who is laughed at. B. Borisov speaks in this case about his operatic character: "L.

Brezhnev in this manner of stylistic assessment of the image has the appearance of an opera singer. Numerous orders and thick eyebrows complemented opera paraphernalia. Paradoxically, all this was emphasized by diction, or rather its absence, with phraseological masterpieces such as "peoples of the Asian contingent" *. We would rather speak in this case of an operetta character, given the reaction of the audience. It is precisely for the operetta that a dual point of view is characteristic, when some situations and faces on the stage are unknown to the heroes, but known and understood by the audience (for example, knowledge / ignorance that the hero is in fact a heroine).

Unfortunately, the dictators Lenin and Stalin most ideally demonstrate the qualities of a leader. The crowd in relation to them does not experience ambivalent feelings, but only a feeling of admiration. The crowd brings to life the characters with the hyperbolization of one feature, it is they who have a hypnotic effect on the mass consciousness. The crowd is in a state akin to a hypnotic trance. Let's call it a trance of the crowd, when individual differences are erased, and the variant of herd behavior becomes dominant. For this reason, the crowd operates only with polar reactions such as adoration / rage. In general, in any meeting, collective emotions become the main ones, while individual behavior is blocked. For example, in order to achieve the necessary unity of behavior, totalitarian sects try not to leave a person alone with himself.

For the crowd, negative emotions are the main ones. Its positive direction requires skillful conducting, like solemn meetings, where there is a fairly strict script. The crowd "eats" intermediate arguments, operating only on the goal. There is a corresponding communicative rule: “Messages related to goals are better received by the audience than messages related to goals.

related to intermediate steps and methods for achieving these goals. "* The crowd does not respond to complex content.

At the same time, it should be remembered that visual symbols are a form for a certain content. Successfully selected content becomes the key to the success of a visual symbol. R.E. Herzstein describes the posters that brought Hitler to power:

“Hitler’s enemies were the embodiment of evil, while Hitler was presented as an avenging angel who stood up for desecrated Germany. Posters appeared everywhere - on the walls of buildings, in kiosks, in the windows of party institutions and in the windows of everyone who sympathized with Hitler. Their topics were simple, however appealed to two strong emotions: hatred and idealization"**.

One can also cite the opinion of V. Kostikov about the clearly visualized speeches of the opposition press that most annoyed him. For example: "Yeltsin with a glass, Yeltsin with a bottle, Yeltsin" in a dance, "Yeltsin with a puffy face after tasting koumiss in Kalmykia ... All these pictures are well known to us from photographs, and from cartoons, and from mocking ditties in newspapers" Day" or "Soviet Russia"***.

Visual symbols from different systems weakly interact with each other. Therefore, the city can be decorated with monuments from different eras. Visual symbols themselves generate a context around themselves.

3. Event organization

There is an important pattern that is familiar to all influencers: not only do people believe more in what they see than in what they hear, but they also believe events more than words. The reason for this is the same in both cases. A word is always a description of a situation, and when we evaluate it, we begin to consider it as the truth or * Center AN, Jackson P. Public Relations Practices. - Englewood Cliffs., 1990. - P. 5.

** Gertsstein R.E. The war that Hitler won. - Smolensk, 1996. - S. 257.

*** Kostikov V. Romance with the President. - M., 1987. - S. 162.

lie. An event is always reality, that is, always true. Therefore, it convinces more. At the same time, people usually do not think that the event can also be organized and rehearsed. By the way, the American Psychic Operations Field Manual, when talking about organizing a crowd for some purpose, emphasizes that it should look spontaneous, not organized.

The event should be remembered for its originality. For example, when preparing Boris Yeltsin's visit to America, he named the state of Montana as the place to visit. “For me to go to Montana,” Yeltsin explains, “it’s the same as if President Bush, once in Russia, would go to Magadan. It would be a shock for everyone. In politics, you need to be able to find a twist ...”* Another example , which remained in the memory of Canadians - B. Yeltsin's trip to Vancouver.

Yastrzhembsky recalls: “Boris Nikolaevich amazed everyone when he got off the plane in the pouring rain without an umbrella. Everything looked amazing. At the airport, as it should be on an official visit, they lined up a guard, a guard of honor. And suddenly Yeltsin refuses an umbrella in the downpour.

There is an alphabet of events that allows you to write the necessary scripts in a fairly technological manner. A stormy meeting, a protracted expectation, delight - all these are cubes, from which skillful specialists put together the necessary set to reflect what was planned. An event in politics will never be random.

Only the system survives, designed to reflect the characteristics that are needed at the moment.

The event allows you to "drag" the leader's inherent characteristics. That is why politicians like to discover everything new, cutting ribbons, they like to meet famous people, falling under the halo of their attention. Yeltsin when visiting the troops in a red beret and military uniform reflected the determination of the authorities to fight the opposition. The pre-election Yeltsin in a sweater at KVN displayed openness and simplicity, which is a characteristic that "works" for * Kostikov V. Romance with the President. - M., 1987. - S. 60.

elections because the population wants to elect someone who can hear about their troubles. The event "finishes" the politician's image to perfect completion. And this is better perceived by the population than a verbal story about the same policy.

An event can also be organized against one or another background, which in turn will influence the interpretation of the event, the behavior of its participants. V. Kostikov recalls the meeting of B. Yeltsin with the chief editors of newspapers. “Subsequently, such meetings were repeated more than once, and at the suggestion of the president, they began to be held not in the solemn Catherine’s Hall, where the walls themselves, with their royal gilding, seemed to muffle the sharpness and frankness of the discussion. But in one of the nearest country mansions on Academician Varga Street, in called the ABC mansion. Meetings with journalists here took place in a fairly relaxed atmosphere with a minimum of protocol conventions. After the official part, the conversation was transferred to the table and often dragged on "*.

N. Khrushchev's meeting with the creative intelligentsia was based on a similar model.

Mikhail Romm recalled: "Khrushchev got up and said" that we invited you to talk, they say, but in such a way that the conversation was more sincere, better, more frank, we will be frank with you, we decided here - first let's have a bite. We'll have a bite, and then let's talk."

True, the second meeting took place already in the hall.

An event is the same version of a message as a verbal text. Any event is built in accordance with the need to generate information, only in a different way.

The solemn assembly reflected reverence, so it granted the right to vote only to the elect. M. Gorbachev's meeting with the people on the street was supposed to symbolize not only new thinking, but also a new type of listening, which was not the case with previous Soviet leaders.

In conclusion, we give an example of the lengthy conclusions of psychologists about President Yeltsin:

"Psychologists talked with assistants, watched videos of various Yeltsin's "phenomena" to the people, wrote * Kostikov V. Roman with the President. - M., 1987. - P. 78.

** Romm M. Oral stories. - M., 1989. - S. 126.

generally reasonable conclusions. They said that Yeltsin should not wave his hand so sharply, he should not sit in front of a television camera with a stone face, it would be good to smile more often, it would be good to show him more in the family circle, it would be better to speak not on television, but on the radio - and so on and so forth. ..."

They are suitable for any politician who would like to improve his image. Well, for example:

"Speech and behavior should reflect determination to achieve success, confidence in the ability to achieve this, calmness, lack of a sharp reaction to malicious attacks and criticism, goodwill towards all who at least somehow constructively support the Constitution, composure" *.

It follows that the pre-calculated characteristics of the leader must be realized in events specially designed for this case.

4. Mythological organization Myths act as a data bank from which all serious ideas and goals are drawn. Even if we do not recognize the existence of certain archetypes, we should agree that a certain set of plots has a high degree of repetition, and a new plot arises based on their existence. Let's take for example an American film called "My Friend Dutch" in translation. In it, a rich boy from a divorced family travels across America to his mother, accompanied by her lover, whom he hates because he belongs to a different social environment. During this journey, he gets rid of his arrogance and ends up turning his back on his rich father. Before us is the plot of "The Prince and the Pauper", in which wealth is associated with a set of not very good qualities. Caught in real, not greenhouse,

Kostikov V. Romance with the President. - M., 1987. - S. 163. *

conditions, the boy has to give up many habits in order to adapt to his new environment. For example, in a canteen for the poor, he shares a piece of bread with a little Negro girl; begins to show qualities that he did not have before. These qualities take into account the existence of other people who previously did not have access to the world of this boy.

The famous film "Home Alone" exploits the mythology "My home is my fortress", it is reliance on it that allows a little boy to resist two adult robbers. It is this mythologeme that sets all the rules of behavior and justifies the plot.

The very idea of ​​a "happy ending" is again mythological, since it sets a clear interpretation of the world: no matter what happens in it, the world still rewards the deserving.

This is a fairly Christian notion, and that is why it is so widespread. In addition, the tension created by the film, from the point of view of psychology, must be resolved.

The simplicity of American cinema, which often irritates the European audience, at the same time speaks of reaching a level more appropriate for the mass audience.

This is where the box office success of these films comes from. Cinema in this regard acts as a serious indicator of the interests of the mass consciousness. The childishness of American adult cinema (such as "Superman") speaks only of the childishness of the mass audience in its total quality. If commercial success lay in a different plane, the cinema would quickly rebuild, since it does not dictate its own interests, but reflects the interests of its audience.

S. Eisenstein believed that the form in art is set by a tendency to regress, that is, reliance on proven plot patterns, while the content gives a tendency to progress.

Vyach. Sun. Ivanov formulates S. Eisenstein's ideas about the main problem of art, where the search for a combination of the conscious and the deeply sensual is carried out as follows: "Influence on the viewer or listener is possible only if the form of the work itself is addressed to these deep archaic layers of consciousness. It is inseparable from them and therefore may be subjected to the most severe criticism of those higher strata of consciousness whose participation in contemporary art is desirable, but not always feasible. The circus, from the point of view of Eisenstein, exploits this sensual component to the maximum, therefore it cannot be loaded with any content.

Any social group begins to "overgrow" with a common mythology as a result of numerous communicative contacts. Including artificially created identities. For example, the "new community - the Soviet people" possessed not only official Soviet mythology, but also unofficial one, expressed, for example, in the film "The Irony of Fate", in which there were no ideological references at all, which completely contradicted the official layer supported by the state apparatus. Set of films broadcast by television in new year holidays, clearly reflects the existence of this "meta-culture" as common for both Russia and Ukraine.

There is a certain genre mythology, an example of which is a detective story.

It takes place under the sign of the mythological confrontation between the villain and the hero, the latter often being realized in the form of a detective, a policeman. The villain, within the framework of the proposed grammar, must win all the battles except the last one. In this case, the hero must win in a one-man duel, without resorting to the help of his colleagues. For this reason, the last fight, like many others, is almost indistinguishable from the attack of the villain. You can also highlight the following deviations of the detective from the norm. Firstly, it is involvement in the action, when the viewer / reader has practically no opportunity to tear himself away until the last second / last page. We can say that in this case the verbal and, accordingly, the discrete text turns into a continuum characteristic of the visual text. W. Eco writes about visual communication: "In the continuum of the iconic sign, we are not able to isolate discrete semantic distinguishers, putting them forever on the shelves"**.

Ivanov Vyach. Sun. Aesthetics of Eisenstein // Ivanov Vyach. Sun. Selected works on semiotics and the history of * culture. - T. I. - M., 1998. - S. 287.

** Eco U. Missing structure. Introduction to semiology. - St. Petersburg, 1998. - S. 137.

Secondly, priority is given to different types of signs. If the signs-symbols are characteristic for the norm, then for the detective, signs-indexes are significant, according to which the crime is restored. Thirdly, the detective is more emotionally loaded. This kind of text is reflected in its plot poverty. Strictly speaking, we have the same ratio in such emotionally loaded texts as pop songs, which are also characterized by the poverty of the plot. This is probably a general characteristic of popular culture. In summary, we can present these differences in the following table:

norm detective

–  –  –

Getting into the sphere of such grammar quite clearly defines the possible ways of development of the situation in the detective story, which distinguishes it from other similar genre mythologemes.

Mythologemes are interesting for the communicator because they are accepted by everyone as a given, without checking for truth. Joining the myths allows you to dramatically increase the effectiveness of messages. Thus, the instructional letter "On the procedure for media coverage of events around the Chechen conflict and its information support"* is based on old and current mythologemes. For example: "To show that the Russian statehood in the face of disloyal Chechens has an incorrigible enemy nurtured

Information war in Chechnya. - M.. 1997. - From 89 - 91.*

and supported from abroad and by fascist elements from the CIS countries".

"Choose a derogatory form of presentation when describing the leaders of the enemy, revealing all their primitiveness, bitterness, cruelty and bestial essence."

"Create information arrays that mark the power and spirit of the Russian army, the strength of Russian weapons. Reveal the mercantile interest of Chechen fighters-bandits and their inherent fear."

Here there are clear references to already repeatedly tested mythologemes, which should be revived and applied to a new object.

5. Communicative organization As a law of communication technologies, one should recognize the tendency to rely on the communicative flows already existing in society when issuing one's messages.

Communication underlies them, because by making changes in communication they try to achieve changes in behavior due to the changes made in the model of the human world. These transitions can be illustrated as follows:

changes in communication changes in the model of the world changes in behavior Having chosen to rely on the types of communication available in society, we naturally move on to the next step - relying on the most effective types of communicators for this audience. This is due to the adopted two-stage communication scheme, when it was found that the audience is not only and not so much influenced by the media as the subsequent discussion of their news along with "opinion leaders". The term "key communicators" is used in the same sense.

R. Orth proposes to distinguish between "people of prestige" and "key communicators"*.

Both of them have vOrth R.H. Prestigious Persons and Key Communicators // Military Propaganda. Psychological Warfare and Operations. - New York, 1982.

effect on the public, but "people of prestige" are more likely to play the role of "gatekeepers" who determine what news will reach the audience. At the same time, "key communicators" themselves influence the population. Since they are in constant contact with the population, they are better aware of its desires and interests. There are two types of key communicators: those with influence in one area and those with influence in many areas. The latter types are more characteristic of traditional types of societies. The list of "key communicators" is specified by the choice of the topic in question. But at the same time, for some societies, it is possible to compile a list of carriers of such communicative influence. For example, for Thailand, this list is as follows (in order of importance): monks, professionals, military, government officials, doctors, merchants. Unlike the older generation, young people follow foreign news more closely.

The general characteristics of a key communicator can be summarized as follows (R. 343):

He is more open to the media and other sources of information, he passes this news on to the group, interpreting it along the way.

It usually starts the process of technological innovation.

He takes a more central position in society, more clearly expressing the values ​​of his group. He is more part of the group than people of prestige.

In the field of agriculture, public relations, medicine, his status is higher than that of others.

He is usually more educated.

He is younger.

From this set of features it follows that we have a younger member of society, who is nevertheless more educated and holds higher positions. To find key communicators, the following is suggested:

Sociometric method: group members are asked who they turn to for advice or information.

the experimenter asks the most

Key communicator method:

Informed group members who they consider key communicators.

Self-Determination Method: The respondent answers a set of questions to determine if they are a key communicator.

In another work, R. Orth highlights a number of characteristics of the message source that affect its effectiveness*:

Proximity with the recipient of information. The proximity of estimates is more important than the proximity of the area in which the impact is achieved. In general, the closer the source and destination are to each other, the sooner the change in destination will be achieved. By the way, for this reason, in the theory of negotiations, one of the first rules requires demonstrating the closeness (biography, interests, hobbies, etc.) of the negotiator with the opponent.

Intention. If the intent to persuade is clear, the audience will be suspicious of the message. When conducting psychological operations, it is important to remember that the consumer of information will always seek to attribute intention to the impact of such messages. A possible strategy in this case is to demonstrate that the source is sympathetic to the recipient.

Contradiction. It should be such that there is room for common action. Therefore, the source must be within the limits of what is acceptable to the recipient of the information.

Reliability. The source must be trustworthy for the recipient. It may be valid for a recipient in one situation but invalid in another. This phenomenon should be analyzed only from the point of view of the audience.

Expertise. To be effective, a source must have expertise in the area under discussion.

In general, the communication process should proceed in such a way as to enhance those parameters that * Orth R.H. Source Factors in Persuaion // Ibid.

acting force on the source. R. Cialdini considered such influencing characteristics as titles, clothes and attributes*. Experiments, for example, showed that 95% of nurses automatically followed clearly erroneous doctor's instructions. In terms of clothing, the uniformed experimenter had more success when he forced others on the street to comply with some of his demands. For example, the percentage of pedestrians who obeyed the demands of a man in uniform was 92%. Prestige cars were considered as an example of an attribute: 50% of drivers patiently waited for such a car to move off at a green traffic light, while almost everyone honked when the same happened to a cheap model in front of them. That is, in a number of situations a person behaves automatically, without thinking, and these situations are of particular interest to the communicator.

The dissemination of ideas may be subject to the theory of diffusion by E. Rogers**. In accordance with it, 5% of the population becomes the critical point of distribution, but in order to convince them, 50% of the population should be reached with your message. When passing through 20%, the idea already lives its own life and no longer requires intensive communicative support.

E. Rogers proposed six stages through which the process of adapting an idea goes:

1. Attention.

1. Interest.

3. Evaluation.

4. Verification.

5. Adaptation.

6. Recognition.

E. Rogers also singled out the following five types of people in relation to the recognition of a new idea or product:

1. Innovators, the number of which is 2.5%. They are mobile, have communication outside the local culture, and are able to recognize abstract ideas.

* Cialdini R. Psychology of influence. - M., 1999.

**According to Center A.H., Jackson P. Public Relation Practices. - Englewood Clifls, 1990.

2. Early adapters, accounting for 13.5%. This is a respectable group integrated into the local culture and representing opinion leaders in it.

3. Early minority of 34%. These are hesitant. They embrace new ideas just before the average citizen does.

4. Late majority of 34%. These are the skeptics who decide after the average citizen does. For him, the pressure of others is important.

5. Late adapters, accounting for 16%. These are traditionalists. They are the last to make decisions and are very suspicious of everything new.

Such distribution is important for the promotion of new goods and services, since their introduction is possible only with the help of certain segments of the population, which are more disposed to everything new. There is also a group of people who are fundamentally far from anything new.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the theory of communication systems as a subsection of the theory of communication. Both theories are based on the concept of information asymmetry, but its use is different. Information asymmetry brings communication to life so that as a result of its past communication equalizes the knowledge of the source and the recipient. In principle, we can speak of a communicative unit precisely in the aspect when the decision of one individual is carried out by another, that is, when there is a transition between two systems. Communication is always an interlevel transfer of information.

At the same time, we speak of a communicative system as a system in which information asymmetry is maintained. For example, text is such a closed communication system. It can be viewed as a certain accumulation of communicative disturbances, due to which its own rules of conduct begin to operate within its framework.

Communication systems are interested in the means of creating and maintaining information asymmetries. In the text, it will be: allowed and prohibited behaviors of the characters, typical characteristics of the hero/antihero, typical ending, typical ending (for example, happy end). Text is an artificially maintained asymmetry within a certain space. Therefore, researchers of the text attach particular importance to the concept of its framework, boundaries. The consumer of information is interested in information asymmetry - cf. return to the same text, rereading the text.

Communication systems can be divided into monologic and dialogical. In the first case, the generation of the message takes place in one place, for the system the most significant is the "purity" of the communication channels, so that the message reaches its destination without interference. The consumer has no right to evade the execution of the order contained in the message. When a message reaches it, it is followed by an automatic response.

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“Decision of the Industry Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the sixth convocation dated February 18, 2015 No. No. 68-1 (

Foreword ................................................................ ...... 9 Chapter one. Communicative space and its organization ..... 11 1. Symbolic organization .................................. 11 2. Visual organization ......................................... 15 3. Event organization .......... .................................. 20 4. Mythological organization .............................. .............. 23 5. Communicative organization .............................. 27 Chapter second. Public Relations Manager as a Profession....................... 35 6. PR as a Field of Professional Activity.................. 35 7. Work of a PR Manager..... ................................... 41 Chapter three. Image Maker as a Profession .................................. 47 8. Image and Its Peculiarities .............................. .................. 47 9. Image maker operation .............................. ............. 53 Chapter Four. Spindoctor as a Profession.................................. 68 Introductory Words.................................. .............................. 68 10. Spindoctor: from the history of different times and peoples .............. 69 11. Spindoctor and his work .............................................. 80 12. Management of news generation mechanisms as a basis the work of a spindoctor and a press secretary .................................. 89 13. Features of the communicative space that are significant for a spindoctor .............. .............................. 102 14. Russian experience of communicative event management... 110 Chapter Five. Information and psychological wars .............................. 119 Introductory words .............................. .................................. 119 15. General model of impact in the information campaign ..................... 120 16. Intensive models of impact (brainwashing method) ..... ................................................. 128 17. Psychological operations and asymmetric the nature of information weapons .................................... 136 18. International projects to influence public opinion ... ............................................... 146 Chapter Six . Negotiator as a Profession .................................. 159 19. Negotiator and his work .................. ............... 159 20. Negotiation theory .............................. ........ 162 21. Negotiations with terrorists .............................. 171 Chapter seven. Crisis specialist as a profession .............................. 182 22. Peculiarities of crisis communications .............................. ....... 182 23. Mechanisms of communicative influence in crisis situations. ................................................... 190 24. Crisis communications in the Chernobyl situation..... .... 201 Chapter Eight. Electoral (humanitarian) technologies .......... 210 25. Factors of image formation in the framework of the election campaign .......... ....................... 210 26. Strategy and tactics of the election campaign ............... 228 27. Symbolic " copybook" in the elections....................... 250 Chapter Nine. Speechwriter as a Profession .......................... 258 28. Speechwriter and his work .............................. .............. 258 29. Speeches, their writing and pronunciation .............................. 262 Chapter ten. Press Secretary as a Profession .................................. 275 30. Press Secretary and his Job.................................. ............ 275 Chapter Eleven. Rumor specialist .......................................... 280 31. Rumors and their use .................. ................ 280 Chapter Twelve. Advertiser................................... 291 32. Semiotics of the advertising text....... ...................... 291 33. Semiotic models of advertising ...................... ...... 299 Chapter thirteen. Psychotherapist .................................. 307 34. Psychotherapeutic communication .................. ........... 307 Psychoanalysis .................................. ........ 314 Group psychotherapy .................................. 325 Chapter fourteen. General model of communication technology.... 330 Conclusion.................................................. .............. 344

To narrow the search results, you can refine the query by specifying the fields to search on. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search across multiple fields at the same time:

logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all the elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the way in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search based on morphology, without morphology, search for a prefix, search for a phrase.
By default, the search is based on morphology.
To search without morphology, it is enough to put the "dollar" sign before the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, put a hash mark " # " before a word or before an expression in brackets.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthesized expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one was found.
Not compatible with no-morphology, prefix, or phrase searches.

# study


Parentheses are used to group search phrases. This allows you to control the boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate search words

For an approximate search, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word in a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

The search will find words such as "bromine", "rum", "prom", etc.
You can optionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1, or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

The default is 2 edits.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Expression relevance

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the sign " ^ " at the end of an expression, and then indicate the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the given expression.
For example, in this expression, the word "research" is four times more relevant than the word "development":

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To specify the interval in which the value of some field should be, you should specify the boundary values ​​in brackets, separated by the operator TO.
A lexicographic sort will be performed.

Such a query will return results with the author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in an interval, use square brackets. Use curly braces to escape a value.