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Mother's day material for elementary school. Mother's Day script for elementary school students. The game "Distribution of duties"

Mother's day material for elementary school.  Mother's Day script for elementary school students.  The game

Script for Mother's Day primary school

Goals: 1. Create a warm moral climate between mothers and children.

2. To develop the creative and acting abilities of children, as well as the desire to arrange holidays for loved ones.

3. Raise love, feelings of gratitude and respect for mothers.

Holiday progress:

Music video "My mom is the best in the world."


The day before his birth, the child asked God:

They say I'm being sent to Earth tomorrow. How will I live there, because I am so small and defenseless?

God replied:
-I will give you an angel who will always be with you, will take care of you.

The child thought for a moment, then said again:

Here in heaven I only sing and laugh, this is enough for me to be happy.

God replied:

Your angel will sing and smile for you, you will feel his love and be happy.
- But how will I understand him, because I do not know his language? the child asked.

The angel will teach you his language. He will protect you from all troubles.

What should I do if I want to contact you?

God gently touched the child's head and said:

Your angel will put your hands together and teach you how to pray.

Then the child asked:

I heard that there is evil on earth. Who will protect me?
- Your angel will protect you, even risking his life.

I will be sad because I won't be able to see you anymore.
-Your angel will tell you everything about me and show you the way to return to me. That I will always be by your side.

At that moment, voices began to be heard from the Earth, and the child in a hurry asked6
-God, what's my angel's name?
It doesn't matter what his name is, he has many names. You will call him "MAMA".

Hello dear guests! On the last Sunday of November, Russia celebrates a special holiday - Mother's Day. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. After all, no matter how old we are - five or fifty - we always need a mother, her love, affection, attention, advice.

Mother's Day is a wonderful occasion to once again say words of love and gratitude to the dearest and closest person, to pay tribute for love, for generous motherly hearts, for their caring and affectionate hands.

What is the very first word?
What is the most important word?
What is the brightest word?

And I want again
Say it quietly
say it loud
The most important word of a child

The most beautiful word on earth is mother. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages.

Student 1.

A merry holiday has come to us,

A wonderful holiday - the holiday of mothers.

It's called Mother's Day

And at the end of November is celebrated.

Student 2.

Today is our favorite holiday

Cheerful, kind, gentle, sweet.

We will sing songs for mothers,

Let's dance and read poetry.

The song is "My Mom"


Our mother is all in worries,
From dark to dark.
everyday work,
Shops, running.

Mom cooks, mom sews and drives a car. And mom pours coins - not at home - at the factory!
Mom needs to be in time for everything, how can they be in time everywhere? Tell me kids?


Maybe how to hire housekeepers in the series,
So that they wash the linen, make the bed.


They cleaned the house cleanly and went to the store,
Played with the kids all day...

Leading:And for mom?


And for mom a limousine!
Let the family rest
Everywhere with dad travels ...


Our mothers did not fit
Live like in these series.
Mom's life, though not honey,
But things are moving forward!


They give us warmth and affection,
From their smiles light.
Our mothers are just a fairy tale!
Warms their soul with warmth.


Get up without an alarm clock
The book is read
Sing a lullaby
Gently caress.


Our friendly family is apart all day:
School, music, friends, there is no place for boredom!


Only in the evening people gather in the apartment.
Mom is a fairy in this world, we sit with our mouths open!


Our old frying pan thorn and whistle caresses the ear,
And as many as ten hands reach out for potatoes and herring!


We all adore our mother - we eat dinner completely.
In order not to tire her, we quickly go to bed.


Who will take pity on women? Who will help them in everyday life?
Grandma often gets sick. Often she is unbearable.


And it’s very simple to help: taking out the trash is a trifle,
Wash your shoes? By the way, it's not that hard.


And washing dishes with hot water is a beauty!
It’s easy for a brother to run to kindergarten for a sister!


How do you help your mom?

Maybe like the boy Vitya from the scene?

Scene "Home composition"

Characters: presenter, mother, Vitya.

Leading: Vitek leaned over the leaf

And squeezed the temples with his hands.

He writes an essay:

"How can I help my mother?"

Then Vitek will gnaw the pen,

That will fall asleep, gloomy

The name is

Try it, come up with it!

But then from the kitchen mom suddenly

Silently calls his son:

Mother: Vityunchik!

Run to the store

I would like salt and matches.

Vitya : Idea!

Leading : Vitek jumped up

And he called out to his mother:

Vitya : What you!

After all, I'm struggling with the essay,

Still a lot of work!

Leading: Mom was silent

And son

In a notebook he wrote out the phrase:

Victor: buy something for mom

I always run right away.

Leading : Mom opened the door ajar:

Mother: Vityunya, I need you!

I'm going to the shop

Clean for now

Potatoes for dinner!

Victor: What more!

Leading : Vitek cried, -

Victor: I'm sick of listening to it too!

Here is an essay, and you

With some potatoes there:

Leading: Mom disappeared

And the son summed up in a notebook:

"I cook my mom's breakfast myself,

Lunch and dinner too.

What can you say about the boy?

What would you do in his place?

Guys, who wants to tell us about their mom?

Children's performances (presentations, projects)

Guys, do you all know your mothers well? Now I will check it.

Before the holiday, I conducted a survey of your mothers, I have their answers. How would you answer these same questions? (Some of the children answer the questions of the questionnaire, the rest watch the dance of the children of the 2nd grade).

    Mom's eye color

    Favorite dish

    Favorite clothes

    Best holiday

    Favorite color

    Where does he work

And now let's give way to a joke -
We can't live without her
It's better with her in difficult times,
Why can't we joke...

And now a comic prediction of fate.
Moms are given envelopes with items:
button - you will buy yourself something beautiful from clothes;
candy - a sweet, sweet life awaits;
a penny - you will be a very money person;
bay leaf - great success in work;
thread - a long road to distant lands;
smile - you have to look in the mirror and it will tell you that a smile really suits you;
butterfly - this year you are lucky, you will flutter on the wings of success in life;
heart is love;
the key is a new apartment;
book - new arrivals on the passbook.

In the dark night it is light for me,

On a frosty day I feel warm

If mom is around

Looks with tender eyes.

The sun is brighter for me - (ALL) - MOM!

Peace and happiness for me - (ALL) - MOM!

The noise of the branches, the flowers of the fields - (ALL) - MOM!

The call of the flying cranes - (ALL) - MOM!

The water in the spring is clean - (ALL) - MOM!

There is a bright star in the sky - (ALL) - MOM!

Mom is the keeper of the hearth. It is she who is called upon to give her love and warmth to the people who surround her. And how many professions mothers know: they are doctors, teachers, educators, cooks, dressmakers.All your mothers are great needlewomen. See what interesting handicrafts they created with their own hands (Appeal to the exhibition "My mother is a craftswoman").

And we will take an example from our mothers. Let's prepare souvenirs for them (making hearts).

You will give these hearts to your beloved and dear mother as a token of your appreciation and love.

And we will add a few more warm words to our gifts (watching a video).

Dear Mom! I want to hug you tightly and kiss you on both cheeks.

Tell about how wonderful you are and how good it is that you are ready to help and give wise, practical advice!

Mom, you are like a kind queen and fairy fairy, giving us your smiles and kind words.

Your hands are always the most gentle. Your voice is always the softest. Mom, be happy and healthy.

My dear mother! There are not enough words in all the dictionaries of the world so that I can express how much I love you!

Thank you for your caring hands, which will always caress and ..feed deliciously.

Thank you for your kind heart, which forgives all insults.

Mommy, Happy Holidays to you!
Health, happiness and good luck,
And if something is wrong, forgive me
You mean so much to me!

Mommy, mommy, mommy dear,
With you it is brighter in this world to live,
I sincerely wish you today
Worry less, don't be sad.

Only mom knows for sure
Good for me or bad
Mom on this day I wish
So that all bad things pass!

From my first breath to this day, there is no person dearer and closer than you, mom!

This holiday is just an excuse to tell you what I feel every day: I love you more than anyone on Earth!

Be beautiful, young
Don't get sick with a cold!
I promise to upset
I will never!

Svetlana Morozova
Mother's Day holiday program in elementary school

MOTHER'S DAY Celebration

"It's warm in the sun, good in mommy"

To cultivate love and respect for the mother, her work, the ability to appreciate her care for loved ones.

To form in children a holistic view of the image of the mother - the keeper of the hearth, which plays a big role in the life of every person.

Tasks carried out during the preparation and holding of the holiday:

Develop Creative skills students in the process of preparing and participating in the holiday.

To enrich the cultural knowledge of children through acquaintance with the work of Russian artists of past years, music, folklore, history, and the way of life of the Russian people.

To develop the communication skills of schoolchildren, the ability to find a way out of problem situations; maintain friendly communication in productive joint activities.

Strengthen the ability to speak in front of an audience. Develop children's creativity through singing, dramatization, artistic activities: creating crafts, drawings, costumes, etc.

To promote the development of speech (dialogical, monologue) through the expressive reading of poetry. Enrich students' vocabulary.

To cultivate respect for a woman as a person who gives life, the keeper of the hearth, the bearer of cultural values.

Equipment: computer, speakers, screen, presentation "Mother Woman" in MS PowerPoint, soundtracks for singing songs and musical screensavers, posters with proverbs, drawings, photographs, flowers, balloons.

Holiday progress:

Teacher. On the last day of autumn, we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day. The Mother's Day holiday is young, he is only 15 years old: he was established by the Decree of the President of Russia in 1998. This is the day when the maternal work and selfless sacrifice of women for the benefit of their children is paid tribute.

Our holiday in the classroom is dedicated to a significant date, which means it is dedicated to all mothers. Today we have gathered to celebrate the most extraordinary day of the year - MOTHER'S DAY.

Reader (boy).

Mother's Day is a great holiday

For all times, for all ages.

For everyone, it is very important -

And words are not enough to express.

Mother's Day - Day of all loved ones,

Day of pristine beauty.

He is unique in everything.

You owe him your life.

And get down on your knees

And warm your mother's hands.

Spare her grief

She is dear to all of us in life.

You say more often "mom" -

Her heart will be warmer.

And on this Day - the most beautiful -

You warm her with affection.

Teacher. We are all someone's children. For everyone sitting in this hall, the word mother is the most important and most beautiful. So let's warm the hearts of our mothers with our love. From the heart, in simple terms, let's talk friends about mom.

There are a lot of good words in the world,

But one thing is kinder and more important than all:

Of two syllables, a simple word: "mother",

And there are no words more precious than it.

Reader (girl).

It was morning in a quiet house

I wrote on the palm

Mother's name.

Not in a notebook, on a piece of paper,

Not on a stone wall

I wrote on my hand

Mother's name.

It was quiet in the house in the morning,

It got noisy during the day

What did you hide in your palm?

They started asking me.

I opened my hand:

I kept happiness.

Teacher. Mom is the first teacher and friend. She will always understand, console, help in difficult times, protect, protect from trouble. There is no person in the world dearer and closer than mother.

1. How it happens -

I don't understand myself:

What is the sun in the sky

That mom is at home.

Behind the cloud the sun

Hides suddenly -

Everything will become empty

And sad around.

2. Leave for a while

My mother -

So sad

I will do it!

From the cloud the sun

Coming out again -

And everything starts

It's great to shine.

3. Return home

My dear -

And fun again

I will do:

I play, I laugh

I tumble, I sing -

I love my family

My mother.

Teacher. Mom is always with us. Let us remember: when we are ill, we always see above us the worried and affectionate face of the mother. When there is joy in our life, we see this joy on the face of the mother.

Now let's play a simple game. To our questions, all those present here answer loudly in chorus “MAMA”. Agreed?

Vedas. Who came to me in the morning?

Children (in chorus). Mommy.

Vedas. Who said: "It's time to get up!"?

Children. Mommy.

Vedas. Who managed to cook the porridge?

Children. Mommy.

Vedas. Who poured the tea into the cup?

Children. Mommy.

Vedas. Who braided my hair?

Children. Mommy.

Vedas. And swept the whole apartment?

Children. Mommy.

Vedas. Who childish loves laughter?

Children. Mommy.

Vedas. Who is the best in the world?

Children. Mommy.

Our dear mothers!

We tell you without embellishment -

Honestly, sincerely and directly -

We love you very, very much!

Though the expanses beckon us,

We are not a step away from mom!

We can move mountains with dad...

If mom says how.

And there is no diligent work

Moms brave, fighting!

Everything that dads can't handle...

Moms will do for them!

Our mothers are our joy

There is no word for us relatives,

So be grateful

You are from loving children!

Our friendly class is happy to congratulate

To all mothers on the planet.

thank you mom say

Both adults and children.

Mom's smile brings happiness to the house,

Mom's smile is needed everywhere, in everything,

It's great to have mothers

For this they are praised and honored.

Because they are good

Caring and so gentle.

Look! Our guests are not only mothers -

Honorable, most important!

These are grandmothers, mother's mothers!

These are grandmothers, father's mothers!

You are like a sorceress from a fairy tale

You give us love and affection again,

Help with deed and advice

You will eat delicious food.

And completely inappropriate.

All talk about years.

After all, there will be a grandmother, you know, -

The soul is always younger than everyone!

Teacher. Have you ever noticed how similar women in the same family are? Grandmother, mother and little daughter are a portrait of one person experiencing in different time periods.

Tanyusha in the evening

Came from a walk

And the doll asked:

The daughter approaches the doll, takes it in her arms and says:

How are you, daughter?

Again you climbed

Under the table, fidget?

sat up again

All day without lunch?

These girls are in trouble!

Soon you will

Like a bad match.

Come to dinner, spinner,

Cheesecake for lunch today.

The daughter puts the doll chair on a large one near the table and puts the doll on it with her back to the audience.

Tanya's mother came home from work

And Tanya asked:

Mother Doctor comes up to Daughter and addresses her

Mom is a doctor.

How are you, daughter?

Played again

Probably in the garden

I managed again

Forget about food

"Dine" - shouted

Grandma a hundred times, and you answered

"Now yes now"

These girls are in trouble!

Soon you will

Like a bad match.

Come to dinner, spinner,

Cheesecake for lunch today.

Mom sits her daughter at the table. (on right)

Grandma is here

Mom's mom, come

And she asked her mother:

Grandma puts her shopping bag on a chair and turns to Mom.

How are you, daughter?

Probably in the hospital

For a whole day

Again for food

There wasn't a minute

And in the evening I ate

Dry sandwich?

You can't sit

A whole day without lunch!

She has become a doctor.

And everything is a fidget!

These girls are in trouble!

Soon you will

Like a bad match.

Come to dinner, spinner,

Cheesecake for lunch today.

Mom sits down at the table. Grandmother brings a cheesecake, and sit down with the others at the table.

Three mothers are sitting in the dining room.

Three mothers look at their daughters.

What to do with daughters stubborn?

After all, daughters look like mothers!

Here are our mothers!

We are always proud of you.

smart, calm,

We will be worthy of you.

Mom lived in the world

Already many years.

Nobody is more important than mother

Not in the whole world.

She goes to bed later than everyone else

Gets up first of all

Busy around the house all day

Even though he's tired.

Put tea on the table in the morning:

“Drink and eat, son!”

He will gather us all, send

To school for a lesson.

Here I look: he plants flowers,

The bread is being kneaded

And the cow is in time

Feed hay.

Lost a pen, a notebook -

By evening he will find

Afternoon to a neighbor about health

Cope will come.

So live in the world, mom,

Many, many years!

Nobody is dearer than you

Not in the whole world.

If the children of the vast earth

We could get together

Who would bring flowers today

And they said "thank you" in unison?

ALL: To you, dear mothers!

Teacher: Alexei Maksimovich Gorky wrote: “Without the sun, flowers do not bloom, without love there is no happiness, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is neither a poet nor a hero. All the joy of the world comes from mothers!”

If you want to make mom the happiest person, do so that she is happy and proud to say: “You know what good children I have!”

Dear mothers! Congratulations on Mother's Day.

Many nights have passed without sleep

Worries, worries can not be counted.

Earth bow to you all mothers

For the fact that you are in the world!

We are ending the holiday.

We wish all mothers

To always be healthy

To laugh and joke!

Peace and happiness to the Earth you walk on! After all, the Earth itself rotates only because you walk on it!

Low bow to all mothers.

ALL. Happy holiday!

To the music, children give their mothers flowers, balloons, postcards, crafts.

Competition program(held during tea time)

Today in our class

Lots of grandmothers and mothers.

We have invited you all here.

Not by chance - on business!

Our lovely ladies! Take a break today from everyday activities, and do some very pleasant entertainment tasks!

Teacher: Dear ladies: grandmothers and mothers, I have a magic chamomile in my hands. It will help you to know the features of your appearance and character. The variety of this chamomile is called "The Most-Most".

(children tear off the petals of a flower and give it to their mother)

The most charming.

The most attractive.

The most tender.

The most beautiful eyes.

The most charming smile.

The most, the kindest.

The most affectionate.

The most caring.

The most beautiful.

The most charming.

The most beloved.

The cutest.

Let's see how you can work together. There is 1 competition for you, it is called "Mysterious". Guess the riddles, you need to answer in chorus.

1) These balls on a thread

Don't you want to try on?

For every taste

In my mother's box (beads).

2) In my mother's ears sparkle,

They play with the colors of the rainbow.

Silver drops crumbs

Jewelry (earrings).

3) Its edge is called fields,

The top is decorated with flowers.


Our mother has a (hat).

4) Name the dishes:

The handle stuck to the circle.

Damn bake her-nonsense

It's (frying pan)

5) He has water in his belly

She muttered from the heat.

Like an angry boss

Boils quickly (kettle).

6) This food is for everyone

Mom will cook for dinner.

And the ladle is right there -

Pour into bowls (soup).

7) Dust will find and instantly swallow-

Cleans up for you.

Long hose like a proboscis nose

The rug is cleaning ... (vacuum cleaner).

8) Ironing dresses and shirts,

Iron our pockets.

He is a true friend in the household

His name is (iron)

9) Here is a cap on the light bulb

Separates light and darkness.

Along the edges of its openwork

This is marvelous (lampshade).

10) Mom's striped beast

The saucer begged for sour cream.

And eat a little

Your (cat) purrs.

2 competition. "Blindfolded to recognize the child"

3 Competition "Compliments" (one by one, the boys say warm words to their mothers, and mothers in response - delicious dishes)

4 competition "Grandmother's granddaughter" (grandmothers and their grandchildren are given a list of dishes. From them you need to make a menu for lunch for your beloved grandson. Then the results of grandmothers and grandchildren are compared).

5 contest "Appetizing quiz" (mothers and grandmothers are asked riddles about dishes).

Mom is the most beautiful gentle word. It has a lot of warmth and cordiality. I would like to start with words familiar from childhood: “After all, it doesn’t happen in the world that children are lost!” And indeed, every mother loves her child very much, takes care of him. For parents, their children are the best. Being a real mother is a vocation given to a woman by nature.

Elementary school is the best time to celebrate Mother's Day because at this stage in life, parents and babies are still inextricably linked. And only at this age the child will truly sincerely say all his congratulations to his mother, not paying attention to the people around him. A holiday dedicated to elementary school is a holiday not only for women, but also for children. The guys, giving joy to their mothers, themselves are charged with the energy of affection and happiness, mixed with quivering excitement.

Preparing for Mother's Day

The preparation of any holiday is a very painstaking, but at the same time pleasant. Each class teacher wonders how to spend a holiday in elementary school on Mother's Day and where to start preparing. In order not to forget anything, the organizers need to remember the main stages of holding events in elementary school:

  1. Stage of preparatory work.
  2. Stage of discussion and planning.
  3. Stage of collective preparation.
  4. Holiday stage.
  5. The stage of summing up the celebration.

Preparing a holiday in elementary school for Mother's Day is not easy. Here, a very large responsibility falls on the shoulders of the teacher-organizer, most often his role is performed by the class teacher. In order to properly organize and conduct this event, the teacher must first correctly set the goal of the holiday and formulate tasks.

Why celebrate Mother's Day in elementary school?

The purpose of the holiday for Mother's Day is most often the development in children of positive feelings for their mother, a kind and gentle attitude towards the closest person on Earth.

The main objectives of this event in primary school have the following goals:

  • explain the reasons for the appearance of this holiday,
  • cultivate a respectful attitude towards a woman-mother.

The time spent on the holiday should not be wasted, so we must not forget about its functional load:

  • educational,
  • educational,
  • developing,
  • communicative,
  • aesthetic,
  • entertaining,
  • relaxation.

Room decoration

Of course, Mother's Day in elementary school should be safe for children in the first place. Therefore, you need to think carefully about the design of the room. Most often, this event is held in the classroom, which means that the question arises of where to put the study tables. If your holiday provides for a tea party, then you need to arrange the tables so that they do not interfere with the celebration, but at the same time take into account free access to them when it's time to have a bite. If there is no tea drinking, then the tables can be taken out into the corridor, arranging them in such a way that they do not interfere with free passage.

To create a festive atmosphere in the room, you can hang pre-purchased balloons, display a screensaver with congratulations on Mother's Day. Make an exhibition of reproductions of paintings depicting a woman-mother. These are famous canvases: “Mother” by A. A. Deineka, “Mother”, “Petrograd Madonna” by K. S. Petrov-Vodkin, “Sistine Madonna” by Raphael.

Let's add a photo

If your children are no longer first graders, then this is not their first elementary school holiday for Mother's Day. Photos of past years from this event will be an indispensable assistant in the design of the room.

Well, children can make additional paper decorations themselves at technology lessons or visiting circles. Handmade jewelry will definitely give an atmosphere of warmth and care.

Scenarios for the celebration of Mother's Day

Of course, the most grateful audience is mothers and grandmothers. After all, they, like no one else, are able to love their children, give them maximum attention, rejoice in their successes and empathize with failures.

There are a great many scenarios on the Internet now, but I would like to protect teachers from mistakes. Remember that no Mother's Day elementary school design is written specifically for your students. And if you don’t want to write the script yourself, then at least form one from several. Yes, basically they are all similar - this is reading poetry, singing songs, ditties, using theatrical performances about mom. But if you turn on fantasy and imagination, and every elementary school teacher is endowed with these qualities, then using the basic blocks, you can create a completely modern and creative scenario.

A holiday in elementary school for Mother's Day according to the scenario is one of the most better ways keep children in an organized atmosphere. But also do not forget that this age category of children requires periodic discharge. Therefore, when developing an event, it is necessary to include mobile competitions for children and their mothers. Participation in them usually causes a lot of positive emotions.

Of course, there should be prizes for participation in the competition, and here you need to think about whether these will be medals, sweets, diplomas or certificates. One elementary school rule to follow: the prizes must be the same, because the mental characteristics of children of this age do not allow them to answer the question: "Why does someone have a better prize than mine?"

Extracurricular activities - helper in organizing Mother's Day

With the introduction of the new Federal State educational standard, where the main requirement is for children to attend circle classes on various topics, it has become easier for elementary school teachers to prepare for festive events. A celebration in elementary school for Mother's Day can be prepared in parts. Ask teachers for extracurricular activities to help in this process, namely, to learn poems, songs with children, create a theatrical performance, make paper flowers or original postcards.

For the teacher, this is a good time saver to pay additional attention to solving other organizational problems in the design and holding of the holiday, dedicated to the Day mother.

Preparing children

In addition to the fact that children read poems and sing at the celebration, additional work needs to be done with them. For example, explain why and for what reason this holiday was created. Guys at this age do not yet know that the official background of Mother's Day is explained as follows: the status of a mother must constantly grow, and therefore this holiday is international.

In the sphere of the current political situation in the country, it will also be useful for them to know that America was the first to celebrate this holiday in 1914, and then the countries of Europe began to join it. In our country, this holiday is considered young, because it was established only in 1998 in accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin dated January 30, 1998 No. 120 “On Mother's Day”. It is celebrated in Russia on the last Sunday of November. The initiator of the establishment of this holiday was the State Duma Committee for Women, Family and Youth Affairs.

Undoubtedly, the role of the moral, aesthetic and cultural education of the child lies with the society in which he lives, but the elementary school can lay the foundations of this education. The literary holiday Mother's Day, spent on time, can help in solving this problem, and also contribute to broadening one's horizons through acquaintance with new authors, their works and various images of a mother woman. For elementary school, the works of V. V. Vorobyov (“Mother”), poems by A. Blok, N. Nekrasov are suitable ...

Scenes played on Mother's Day

Undoubtedly, in order to have a great holiday in elementary school, it should contain miniature scenes. They should be funny and correspond to the theme of the event. For this event, the following scenes can be offered: “Because of you”, “Home composition”, “Flowers for mom”. The story takes place at home. The main characters are mothers and children.

Here it is very important to correctly show the role of women in the upbringing of children. The guys should present everything in such a way that it is absolutely impossible to do without mothers. Women, in turn, should feel proud of their babies.

How to invite moms to the holiday

In order to correctly and aesthetically beautifully invite mothers to the holiday, you can make invitation cards. Only first, the teacher will need to consult with the guys on the question of what kind of invitations they will be, because you can do it yourself, or you can print it on a printer. The only condition is that the child must enter the text in the invitation card on their own. You can come up with the text of the invitation yourself, or you can use the following:

Mommy, my own mother,

Come to your holiday soon!

Venue is my school

The class I'm currently in.

Please don't forget this date...

Time too - you hear - do not forget!

I'm waiting for you, my dear mother.

Remember that I love you!

Mother's Day pre-holiday rehearsals

Every child tries to be the best for their mom. A holiday in elementary school for Mother's Day according to the scenario requires pre-holiday rehearsals. And in order for these rehearsals to be as productive as possible, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • every child in the class must be involved;
  • rehearsals are best done in parts, in mini-groups it is easier to pay attention to each child;
  • pay special attention to those moments where the maximum number of children are involved, so that they do not crowd, do not push and take their role in time;
  • never raise your voice to children if they do not succeed, perhaps the roles are simply incorrectly assigned;
  • a mandatory control rehearsal is required with the use of musical arrangement and excerpts from cartoons;
  • after the control rehearsal, nothing can be changed in the script.

Celebrating Mother's Day

There is very little time left - the long-awaited hour will soon come when children, together with their mothers, will come to a celebration called Mother's Day. The scenario of the holiday in elementary school has already been written and rehearsed, and it seems that all the moments are taken into account. But in order for the holiday itself to leave only positive emotions in the souls of children and their mothers, the organizing teacher must not forget:

  • about creating a pre-holiday mood in children, they are always waiting for something new, incredible, pleasant and kind;
  • guys have to voluntary basis participate in the holiday, then the atmosphere will be kind and emotional;
  • contests and games held at this event should end before they get bored, so it is better to prepare them with a margin;
  • the holiday itself in elementary school for Mother's Day should not be prolonged.

If the teacher takes note of these moments, then the holiday will pass in one breath.

Discussion of the holiday

After the Mother's Day holiday in elementary school has passed, it is imperative to discuss it with the children. Find answers to the following questions:

  1. What did we do very well?
  2. What didn't work for us?
  3. Why?

Only jointly found answers to questions will help to avoid mistakes in the future and to celebrate Mother's Day at the elementary school next year


In conclusion, I would like to note that Mother's Day is an interesting holiday. Primary school is a time of experimentation, the discovery of talents and abilities. Everything that is laid in children at an early age will definitely affect their life in the future. If today's students learn to love and appreciate their loved ones, then in the future they will never be able to pass by a person in need of help. Isn't that the main purpose of the

There is nothing to be afraid of, go for it - and you will succeed!

Goals: the formation of family values; rapprochement between school and family; development in children of interest in the personality of their mothers.

Equipment: flowers and gifts for mothers and grandmothers; decoration elements.

Event progress

Teacher. Is there a person on earth closer than his own mother? Mom is the first word a person utters. While the child is small, the mother feeds him and cradles him in the cradle. Mom will regret, and caress, and guide you on the right path. Mom is the brightest thing in our life.

Reader 1.

Different children live on the planet.

But all the children in the world love their mothers.

Sometimes we don't listen to moms

And mothers teach us good deeds.

And mothers teach us how to be kind,

How to protect and love our Motherland!

Moms can do everything, moms will help,

Moms know everything!

Since they have a holiday, we also have a holiday.

Let's congratulate our mothers.

Children sing a song about mother.

Teacher. Our children want to tell about their mothers. After all, each of them is not just a mother, but also a doctor, teacher, salesman, manager ... Many mothers work. What do you know about their specialties?

Children's answers.

Teacher. What kind of work do mothers do at home?

Children's answers.

Reader 2.

My mother's hands

Pair of white swans:

So tender and so beautiful

So much love and power in them!

They fly all day

As if tired, they don't know

Bring comfort to the house

A new dress will be sewn,

Caress, warm -

Mom's hands can do everything!

T. Shorygina

The kindest and dearest!

I always recognize him

Forget about toys

And I run to my mother's call.

I will gently hug my mother,

I won't upset her!

T. Shorygina

Teacher. What help can you give to mom after she comes home?

Children's answers.

Teacher. What are your responsibilities in your family? Children's answers.

Reader 4.

Like a turquoise

mother's eyes -

Clear and pure

Good, radiant.

Like stars are burning

Illuminating everything around

And they say to me:

Mom is my favorite friend!

T. Shorygina

Children's answers.

Reader 5.

To my dear mother

I would like to wish

More often at home to be with me,

So that I don't get bored.

For us to read books

We sewed a hat for a bear,

I am light next to my mother,

Both cozy and warm!

Reader 6.

Slightly flickering candle

The mother feeds the child.

baby heart

Filled with warm light.

Mother will regret

Mother and seasick,

Caress will dispel



Vitek leaned over the table

And squeezed the temples with his hands:

He writes an essay

How do I help my mom?

Then Vitek will gnaw the pen,

Then the gloomy one will fall asleep.

Try it, come up with it!

But then from the kitchen mom suddenly

Silently calling his son ...


Vityunchik, run to the store,

I would like salt and matches.

Vitya. Idea!


Vitek jumped up

And I called out to my mom...


After all, I'm struggling with the essay,

Still plenty of work.


Mom was silent, and son

In a notebook he wrote out the phrase:


Buy something for mom

I always run right away."

Leading. Mom opened the door:


Vityunya, I need you.

I'm going to the shop. Clean for now

Potatoes for dinner!

Vitya. What more?!

Leading. Vitek jumped up.


I'm sick of listening to it too!

Here is an essay, and you

With some potatoes.


Mom disappeared, and son

He summarized in his notebook:


“I cook breakfast for my mother myself,

Lunch and dinner too!


Five plus! he rejoices

And proud of his mark.

What about you guys?

Bet for it?

Discuss this situation with the children.

Teacher. But not all children are like Vitya. Our children always help their mothers.

Student 1.

Everything I do for my mother:

I play scales for her

For her I go to the doctor,

I study mathematics.

All the boys climbed into the river,

I was alone on the beach

For her after illness

Didn't even swim in the river.

For her I wash my hands

Eating some carrots...

Only now we are apart:

Mom in the city of Priluki,

Fifth day on a business trip.

Student 2.

Well, first I'm without my mom

Put aside the gamut

I watched on TV

All evening programs

I didn't sit too close

But in the eyes went stripes!

They have one artist

She wears her mother's hair.

And tonight all evening

There is nothing for me to do.

The father has a newspaper in his hands,

Only he flies somewhere

He says: "Let's suffer a little,

Ten days left! .. "

Student 3.

And probably out of habit

Or maybe out of boredom

I put matches in place

And for some reason I wash my hands.

And the scales sound sad

In our room without mom.

A. Barto

Student 4.

If I were a girl

I wouldn't waste time;

I wouldn't jump on the street

I would wash my shirt.

I would wash the floor in the kitchen,

I would sweep the room.

I would wash cups, spoons,

I would peel the potatoes myself.

All my own toys

I would put it in place.

Why am I not a girl?

I would love to help my mom!

Mom would have said:

"Well done, son!"

E. Uspensky

Student 5.

Our dear mothers!

We ourselves admit

Which, of course, we are not always

We are behaving well.

We often upset you

What we sometimes don't notice

We love you very, very much!

Let's grow good

And we will always try

To behave.

Leading. Our holiday today is dedicated not only to mothers, but also to the mothers of our mothers and fathers.


Mom has a job

Dad has a job.

They have Saturday left for me.

Grandma is always at home.

She never scolds me!

Seated, feed:

- Don't rush

Well, what happened to you, tell me?

I speak, but my grandmother does not interrupt,

Bit by bit, he sorts through the buckwheat.

We are fine - like this, together.

And a house without a grandmother is not a house.

A. Barto

Leading. One day, walking down the street, I heard this conversation...



Two grandmothers on a bench

They sat on the hillside.

Grandmothers said:

grandmother 1. We have fives!

grandmother 2.

We have math!

And five - in the language!

But grammar rules

I'm bad at dragging!

grandmother 1.

And I'm learning history

And it seems to work.

Just these dates

I don't remember.


Sat and discussed

shook hands with each other,

At least they got marks

Not grandmothers, but grandchildren.

Leading. These are our grandmothers! And their locks are gray, and their health is not very good, but you are always welcome to help us!

Children perform ditties for grandmothers.

On the way to the circus granny

Fedya asks:

How did our tram guess?

What are we going there?

- Have pity on me, grandma,

Let me skip school.

- You, granddaughter, are the director there.

You must be there.

- If you don't eat

I'll call Yaga here!

- Do you think that grandma

Will he eat your stew?

Lena laughs like a goat

And bulging eyes.

- You, granny, do not sigh,

Braid the braid weaker.

How are you today, granddaughter,

Washed in the morning

Brush, soap, towel

Everything remained dry.

For me, grandma, do not be afraid,

I won't fall off my chair

So what if I swing -

I'm holding on to the cup.

Grandma, I broke the clock

Give me chocolate.

After all, good is always for evil

Everyone needs to answer.

Fortune Teller Grandma Cards

They just know how to lie.

That yesterday I was not at school,

They couldn't find out.

I train with a barbell

I started building muscles.

But here's grandma's bag

I can't lift it.

And my grandmother Elya

Doesn't scold, doesn't grumble.

Goes to parties with me

From the computer "sticks out".

To get granny to work

The evil alarm clock did not wake up

I am for him tonight

Unscrewed three pieces.

Baba Zina - champion

in culinary sports.

Everyone was slain by Napoleon.

A hundred layers are in the cake.

Grandma said no

Today exactly a thousand times.

About the abolition of the evil word

We need to issue a decree.

My grandmothers are

What kind of allergy do you have.

How do you take notebooks

Everyone is shaking in a fever.

Oh, today is a holiday in the house -

Cabbage pies.

Petya learned the lessons

Everything, even oral.


When mothers and grandmothers smile

The clouds immediately disperse

The rain stops pouring

The sun is playing with a ray

And hello to your generous send.

Stay young at heart

And live for many, many years

And with your smile from now on

Let the whole world be illumined.

Children give mothers and grandmothers flowers and gifts.

SCENARIO OF THE HOLIDAY "MOTHER'S DAY" for elementary school

Holiday progress:

Teacher: Hello everyone in our class. Today we dedicate our event to all mothers. And I want to start it with a parable:

The day before his birth, the child asked God:

I don't know why I'm going into this world. What should I do?

God replied:

I will give you an angel who will always be by your side. He will explain everything to you.

But how will I understand him, because I do not know his language?

The angel will teach you his language. He will protect you from all troubles.

What is my angel's name?

It doesn't matter what his name is, he has many names. You will call him "Mom".



1). Many of your nights have passed without sleep,

Worries, worries for us can not be counted,

Earth bow to you, dear mother

For the fact that you are in the world.

2). You will disperse the clouds

With strong hands

And you will teach good

Wise words.

3). Thank you, dear, that we have you,

What we see and hear you every hour,

For a kind soul and a warm word,

For not seeing bad things in life,

Thank you, our dear man!

We wish you good health for your long life!

Teacher: our dear, beloved mothers! We dedicate this autumn evening to you! Happy Mother's Day to you dear!

May this holiday be bright

May the winds bring you joy

Let sorrows go away, dreams come true

May you always be given smiles and flowers!

Mothers Day -

Worthy good holiday

Which is included

Sunshine for the family.

And not nice

Is every mother

When she is honored

Rightfully rewarded!

4) From a pure heart

In simple words.

Come on friends

Let's talk about mom.

We love her

Like a trusted friend.

For what we have

Everything is with her.

5) Because when

We are having a hard time

We can cry

At the native shoulder.

We love her

And for the fact that sometimes

Are getting stricter

Wrinkled eyes.

6) But he confesses,

Come head -

Wrinkles will disappear

The storm will pass.

For what is always

Without concealment and directly

We can open

She has her heart.

And just because

She is our mother.

We love her deeply and dearly!

For those who are kinder in the world -

This song is for real mothers.

Song "MAMA" (Performed by students)
Song "MAMA"

There is no word in the world
Native and more expensive.
We meet with him the dawn
And we go to bed too.
There is life in this word
There is a song in this word,
We can't live without him!

Mom, there is only one word on the planet - "mother"!
Mom, your love, like the sun, shines, mom!
Mom, a breath of joy and light - Mom!
Mom, the earth is warmed by your warmth!
Mother Mother Mother!

All flowers today
Let loose for mom!
Today all dreams
About good and about the main thing!
The warmth of loving eyes
And the light of your smile
The most important thing in the world for us!


Teacher: (4 boys participate in the skit)

What are these boys? What are they talking about? Let's listen.

1st: -So! Tomorrow is Mother's Day. What will we give our mothers?

2nd: Yes, it's a difficult task. To come up with this.

(Enter 2 friends)

3rd :- Hello! Let's go play football.

1st : No, we can't.

4th:- And why?

2nd: - Have you forgotten that tomorrow is Mother's Day, and we still have not decided what we will give our mothers.

3rd :- Hooray! Looks like he figured it out! Let's give mom a plimoyal (shows a picture).

1st :- And what is it?

3rd :- I will connect the stove and the piano.

2nd :- What for?

3rd :- What do you mean why? Mom will put something to cook, and at the same time she will play the piano.

2nd : No, I don't like it.

4th :- Invented! Let's give mom a duck (shows a picture).

1st :- What? What it is?
4th: this is an iron and a vacuum cleaner together.
2nd : But why?
4th :- Then, that mom can iron clothes and vacuum the apartment at the same time.

1st :- Oh no. Somehow I didn't like your idea.

3rd: - What if you give mom a frying pan (drawing).

2nd : - Why is that?

3rd :- What do you mean why? Mom will put the fry cutlets, and she herself will go to bed. And when the cutlets are ready, the alarm clock will ring, mom will run to the kitchen.

1st :- No, mom fries delicious cutlets in a simple frying pan.

2nd :- Come on, we'd better draw bouquets of flowers for our mothers and we will always help them.

(leave the stage).


Teacher. Dear mothers. We would very much like today's meeting to bring you joy, tearing you away from everyday worries at least for a while, so that you feel how much your children love you, how much your attention is dear to them.

"Mom" is the most understandable word on earth. It sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world.
Mom has the most affectionate and gentle hands, they can do everything.
Mom has the kindest and most faithful heart, she does not remain indifferent to anything.
And no matter how old a person is, 5 or 50, he always needs a mother.


7). Mom is heaven
Mom is the light
Mom is happiness
Mom is better.
Mom is a fairy tale
Mom is laughter
Mom is a weasel
Moms love everyone

Mom brings me
toys, candy,
But I love my mom
Not for that at all.
funny songs
She sings
We are bored together
Never happens.
I open it
All your secrets.
But I love my mom
Not only for this.
I love my mom
I'll tell you straight
Well, just for
That she is my mother!

9) How many stars are in the sky!
Do not count everyone.
These stars to mom
I will give again.
And one morning
Looking at me
Mom will smile
"My little star!"

10). Mother! What a good word!
Mom is always ready to be there
In a moment of misfortune, she is always there,
Support with a smile, and a word, and a look.
Share hopes, console, understand.
It will surely go along in life.

eleven). We love you very, very, very,
Infinite is not a secret;
However, in short:
You have never been more loved!
And you will not find more beautiful, too,
And you won't find anything sweeter...
We can say this wholeheartedly.
without hiding his joy.

Our magic chamomile will help you to know the features of your appearance and character.

The variety of this chamomile is called “The Most-Most”.

Mothers are invited and tear off the petals of the flower.

4. The most beautiful eyes

9. The most generous heart

Teacher. Guys, our mothers are not only smart, beautiful, but also diligent, hardworking. Where can we most often meet our mother at home?

Guys : in the kitchen.

Teacher. Now we will find out what items in the household help mom.
I will begin the poems, and you will finish.

1. I will help my mother
With her I will wash ... (dishes).

2. And pancakes, and scrambled eggs,
And potatoes for lunch
And pancakes - wow!
Fries everything ... (frying pan)

3. He has water in his belly
She churned with warmth.
Like an angry boss
Boils quickly ... (teapot)

4. This food is for everyone
Mom cooks for dinner
And the ladle is right there -
Pour into bowls ... (soup)

5. I eat table soup for lunch,
I try tea dessert
Give me some more
Where is my big ... (spoon)

6.On one wide leg
She has 4 horns
But she is not a saw at all,
For cutlets and meat ... (fork)

7. Everyone likes her very much,
Beauty on a platter
With one hand, cutie
Pigeon ... (cup)

8. Who has no answer -
What do you cook your lunch in?
There is a cleaner on the stove.
Cook soup - you need ... (pan)

Teacher. Children are the most precious thing for a mother.

Happy is he who from childhood knows maternal love, affection and care.
And children should answer her the same: love, attention, care.
12) Zorenki are more beautiful and the sun is mile
The one who is called my mother.
Mommy, my dear, my mother,

13) The wind will howl, is there a thunderstorm outside the window,
Mommy in the house - no fear.
Mommy, my dear, my mother,
It's good that I have you!

Scene "Disputants"
1 student. I have such a mother -
Everyone is jealous, I know!
2 student . From what? Why?
Mom is better than me.
3 student. Who said you have?
My mom is the best.
4 student. It's not worth arguing. Each of us has the best mother, the most beautiful! Why do you love your mom?
5 student. For the fact that without concealment and directly
We can trust her with our heart
And just for
That she is our mother
We love her deeply and dearly.
(Followed by 4 students)
1 student
Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers.
We are for everything, for everything, dear,
We say: "Thank you!"
2 student
We are ending our holiday
We wish dear mothers
So that mothers do not grow old,
Younger, better.
3 student
May adversity and sorrow
Will bypass you
So that every day of the week
It was like a day off for you.
4 student
We wish our mothers
Never lose heart
Every year to be more beautiful
And scold us less.
A lot of good words live in the world,
But one thing is kinder and more important than all:
Of two syllables, a simple word "mother",
And there are no words in the world more precious than it.
For kindness, for golden hands,
For your maternal advice
With all our hearts we wish you
Health, happiness, long years!

Our holiday concert came to an end. And now we invite everyone to tea.