
We remember the presentation. Presentation on theme: "We Remember! We are proud! Why is the war called the Great Patriotic War

We remember the presentation.  Presentation on theme:

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Target: education of conscious love for the motherland, respect for the historical past of their people on the example of the exploits accomplished during the years of the Great Patriotic War.


  • to activate students, to focus on the dramatic pages in the life of the country; develop children's discussion skills;
  • to form the skills of a young patriot of their homeland, pride in their soldiers;
  • to educate strong-willed qualities on the examples of war heroes; to instill a careful attitude to the historical past of the Fatherland

Teacher. Theme n A of our class hour: “To remember” and it is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. (Slide #1)

At the end of the conversation, we will answer the question: “Why should we remember our history?”

68 years have passed since the end of the war, which inflicted severe wounds on our country. The Nazis destroyed and burned hundreds of thousands of cities, villages and towns. It is difficult to find a family, a home in our country, where grief does not come. Someone has lost a father or mother, son or daughter, sister. You, little citizens of our country, should remember this.

When did WWII start?

The hot June night was ending, the dawn of a new day had already risen - Sunday, June 22, 1941.

The Brest Fortress took the first blow. The last days of the struggle are covered with legends. (Slide No. 2) These days include the inscriptions left on the walls of the fortress by its defenders: "We will die, but we will not leave the fortress", "I am dying, but I do not give up. Farewell, Motherland. 07/20/41". None of the banners of the military units that fought in the fortress went to the enemy. The Nazis systematically attacked the fortress for a whole week. Soviet soldiers had to fight off 6-8 attacks a day. Next to the fighters were women and children. They helped the wounded, brought cartridges, participated in hostilities. The Nazis set in motion tanks, flamethrowers, gases, set fire to and rolled barrels with a combustible mixture from the outer shafts. (Slide number 3) The casemates burned and collapsed, there was nothing to breathe, but when the enemy infantry went on the attack, hand-to-hand fights began again. In short intervals of relative calm, calls to surrender were heard in the loudspeakers. Being completely surrounded, without water and food, with an acute shortage of ammunition and medicines, the garrison bravely fought the enemy. Only in the first 9 days of fighting, the defenders of the fortress put out of action about 1.5 thousand enemy soldiers and officers. By the end of June, the enemy captured most of the fortress. On June 29 and 30, the Nazis launched a continuous two-day assault on the fortress using powerful 1500 and 1800-kilogram bombs. (Slide number 4) Our soldiers defended the Brest Fortress to the last drop of blood, almost all of them died, but their memory lives on. (Slide number 5)

Why did the Soviet people defend their land in such a way?

Why was the war called Patriotic War?

Our people rose to defend the Fatherland, and therefore the war was called the Patriotic War. The Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945), imposed on the Soviet Union by German fascism, lasted 1418 days and nights, it was the most cruel and difficult in the history of our Motherland. The fascist barbarians destroyed and burned 1,710 cities, more than 70,000 villages and villages, destroyed 84,000 schools, displaced 25 million people and caused enormous material damage to our country.

Our Fatherland survived in the fight against a strong and treacherous enemy, having accomplished feats that lasted four fiery years.

How do you understand the word "feat"? (Students discuss)

Teacher: A feat is when, in a great disinterested impulse of the soul, a person gives himself to people, in the name of people he sacrifices everything, even his own life.

There is a feat of one person, two, three, hundreds, thousands, and sometimes THE FEAT OF THE PEOPLE when the people rise to defend the Fatherland, its honor, dignity and freedom. All the people rose to defend the Motherland. (Slide number 6) Twenty-seven million human lives were claimed by the war. Fascism spared neither women, nor the elderly, nor children.

Let's remember them by name...
We will remember our grief!
It's not for the dead
It needs to be alive!

(children's stories about their ancestors who participated in the Great Patriotic War) (Slide number 7)

Teacher: The memory of our loved ones who gave their lives for the freedom and happiness of people will live forever in our hearts.

Through the centuries, through the years -
About those,
Who will never come again -
Do not Cry!
Keep your moans in your throat
Bitter moans.
Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!
Bread and song
dreams and poetry
spacious life,
every second
every breath
be worthy!
(R. Rozhdestvensky)

War is also heavy bloody battles, decisive battles, such as, for example, the victory near Moscow in December 1941, when the Germans examined the city through binoculars, it seemed to them that Moscow, the capital of our country, had already been conquered, conquered by them. (Slide number 8)

However, they had to retreat and crash in this battle. On November 7, a parade was held on Red Square, which raised the morale of the army and the people. Right from the parade, the soldiers went into battle. (Slide number 9) We remember the feat of the Panfilov heroes, who almost all died, but did not let the enemy through. We remember the words of Lieutenant Klochkov: “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat, Moscow is behind!” How do we understand these words?

(Children's stories about the battle near Moscow)

- Ethen the battle of Stalingrad, when Hitler's army, which was huge in terms of the number of soldiers, was surrounded near the city of Stalingrad, many top commanders were captured along with the soldiers - on this occasion, mourning was even declared in Germany. During the defense of Stalingrad, at the end of September 1942 a reconnaissance group of four soldiers, led by sergeant Pavlov, captured a four-story house in the city center and entrenched in it. (Slide No. 10) On the third day, reinforcements arrived at the house, delivering machine guns, anti-tank rifles (later - company mortars) and ammunition, and the house became an important stronghold in the division's defense system. The Germans organized attacks several times a day. Every time soldiers or tanks tried to get close to the house, Pavlov and his comrades met them with heavy fire from the basement, windows and roof. Throughout the defense of Pavlov's house (from September 23 to November 25, 1942) there were civilians in the basement until the Soviet troops launched a counterattack. We remember this bloody battle. A memorial “Motherland” has been erected in Stalingrad, where we can come and bow to all the people who died saving the world. (Slide number 11)

These are the main events of the war, but war is, first of all, the hard, exhausting, incessant work of people in the rear, in factories for the repair of military equipment, for the manufacture of shells, weapons, clothing for the army. But the men were at the front, their wives and children, old people, those who could not go to the front, took their places at the machines. The main thing for them was work, work for 14 hours, sometimes they even slept in the shop without leaving home. They lived from hand to mouth, without eating, not getting enough sleep, forgetting about themselves “Everything for the front, everything for victory!” - this was the main slogan of those days and another hope - to wait alive for those who were seen off: father, brother, sister.

Wait for me and I will come back.
Just wait a lot
Wait for sadness
yellow rain,
Wait for the snow to come
Wait when it's hot
Wait when others are not expected
Forgetting yesterday.
Wait when from distant places
Letters will not come
Wait until you get bored
To all who are waiting together.

Wait for me and I will come back,
don't wish well
To everyone who knows by heart
It's time to forget.
Let the son and mother believe
That there is no me
Let friends get tired of waiting
They sit by the fire
Drink bitter wine
For the soul...
Wait. And along with them
Don't rush to drink.

Wait for me and I will come back,
All deaths out of spite.
Who did not wait for me, let him
He will say: - Lucky.
Do not understand those who did not wait for them,
Like in the middle of a fire
Waiting for your
You saved me
How I survived, we will know
Only you and I -
You just knew how to wait
Like no one else.

Teacher: Before I talk about the eleven-year-old Leningrad schoolgirl Tanya Savicheva, let me remind you of the fate of the city in which she lived. From September 1941 to January 1944, for 900 days and nights, Leningrad lived in the ring of an enemy blockade. 640 thousand of its inhabitants died from hunger, cold and shelling. Food warehouses burned down during German air raids. I had to cut my diet. Workers and engineers were given only 250 g of bread per day, and employees and children 125 g. The Germans expected that the Leningraders would quarrel over bread, stop defending their city and surrender it to the mercy of the enemy.

But they miscalculated. A city cannot perish if the entire population and even children stand up for its defense! (Slide number 12)

No, Tanya Savicheva did not build fortifications and in general she did not accomplish any heroism, her feat was something else. She wrote the blockade history of her family... (Slide #13)

The large, friendly Savicheva family lived calmly and peacefully on Vasilyevsky Island. But the war took away all the relatives from the girl one by one. Tanya made 9 short entries...

  • “Zhenya died on December 28 at 12.00 1941.”
  • “Grandmother died on January 25 at 3 p.m. 1942.”
  • “Leka died on March 17 at 5 am 1942.”
  • “Uncle Vasya died at 2 am on April 14, 1942.”
  • “Uncle Lyosha died on May 10, 1942.”
  • “Mom died on May 13, 1942.”
  • "The Savichevs are dead."
  • "All died."
  • “There is only Tanya left.”

What happened next with Tanya? How long did she outlive her family? The lonely girl, along with other orphans, managed to be sent to the relatively well-fed and prosperous Gorky region. But severe exhaustion and nervous shock took their toll. She died May 23, 1944.

Over 26 million people lost our country in that war. The language of numbers is stingy. But you still listen and imagine ... If we devoted one minute of silence to each victim, then we would have to be silent for more than 38 years. (Slide number 14)

Inextinguishable memory of generations
And the memory of those whom we so sacredly honor,
Let's people stand up for a moment
And in sorrow we will stand and be silent (Slide No. 15)

(minute of silence)

Student: May 9 - Day of the legendary victory over fascism in the Second World War and the Day of Remembrance of the fallen soldiers. This Great Victory Day is celebrated not only by veterans of the Great Patriotic War, but also by their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Every year in our country there is an action “George Ribbon” (Slide No. 16) The St. George Ribbon is a centuries-old symbol that embodies the feat of a Russian warrior on the battlefields, an element of an award given out for a feat. The colors orange and black stand for smoke and fire and are a sign of the soldier's personal prowess in battle.

The history of this great holiday will once again remind us all of the heroism and patriotism of all the defenders of our Motherland. Victory Day is a holiday in honor of all those who gave us peace on this earth!

Why should we remember the Great Patriotic War?

Let the days of war drag on for a very long time,
Let the years of peace pass quickly.
Victories near Moscow, near Kursk and on the Volga
History will remember forever.
May you now fathers and grandfathers,
Whiskey turned gray.
You will never forget spring Victory,
The day the war ended.
Let many today not in the ranks,
We remember everything that was done then
And we promise our Motherland
Save for business, peace and labor

Student: The Great Patriotic War ended 68 years ago. For world history, this may be a short moment, but for people - a whole life. Time flies like the wind. Years flow like rivers. But heroes stand like rocks. Their feat is immortal. Because our memory became the guarantee of their immortality. Memory is needed not only by those who survived, it is even more necessary for the young, so that we know what life and death, war and peace are, and at what cost freedom is achieved. Therefore, we must remember the past and thank the older generation for the Great Victory. It was paid for by millions of lives, tears of relatives and friends. Thanks to the fallen and the living. Thank you and low bow to all our veterans, home front workers. Happy Holidays! Happy May 9th! Happiness, health, prosperity! Thank you for the peaceful sky above our heads!

(song Victory Day)

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Completed by: Plotnikov Yury Supervisor: Plotnikova N.I. MOU secondary school s.Verkh - Chita Chita district of the Trans-Baikal Territory We remember!

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The war has passed, the suffering has passed, But the pain appeals to people. Let's never forget this people. (A. Tvardovsky)

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70 years have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War. People who have seen the terrible face of war are leaving us. And we can learn about those events only from the stories of veterans, from books, feature films. With its cruel hand, the war touched every family. And in our family there was such a person. This is my great-great-grandfather Ivan Petrovich Gladkikh.

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Gladkikh Ivan Petrovich was born in 1909 in the village of Kotelnikovo, Nerchinsk district. He worked as a laborer, married before the war, and had four children.

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Forty-first! June. Year and month of nationwide struggle. Even with the dust of time, this date cannot be delayed. The country was rising And the line went to the front. Kumachev stars Carrying away the banners on the canvases.

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My grandfather, like thousands of other people from the first days of the war, went to the front. Wait for me and I will come back. Just wait a lot, Wait for the yellow rains to make you sad, Wait for the snow to sweep, Wait for the heat, Wait for others not to wait, Forgetting yesterday.

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The site "Feat of the people" has a little information about the merits of my grandfather. Gladkikh Ivan Petrovich, born in 1909 Title: Mrs. corporal in the Red Army since 07.1941 Place of conscription: Shilkinsky RVC, Chita region, Shilkinsky district Record number: 28327372 Archival documents about this award: I. Order (decree) on awarding and accompanying documents to it - the first page of an order or decree - a line in the award list - an award sheet II. Record file - data in the record file Medal "For Courage"

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My great-great-grandfather came to Berlin. Victory is at our doors ... How will we meet the welcome guest? Let women raise their children higher, Saved from a thousand thousand deaths, - So we will answer the long-awaited.

Elena Korsakova
Presentation “Project for patriotic education “We remember, we are proud”

Patriotic education children is one of the main tasks of a preschool institution.

Patriotic education child - a complex pedagogical process, it is based on the development of moral feelings.

Preschool age is the period when the prerequisites for civic qualities are laid. Idea patriotism in Russia has always generated unprecedented energy, which made it possible to solve issues of historical importance. Today patriotism- the most important factor in the mobilization of the country, necessary for its protection and revival.

The Great Patriotic War for our children is a distant history. If we, the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those who fought, do not pass on to our children what is stored in our memory as evidence of what our grandfathers and grandmothers experienced, the connection of times, the family thread will be interrupted. Based on the findings, it was developed patriotic education project"We remember, We proud of» . Project designed to promote feelings patriotism, respect for the heroic past of our Motherland, teaches to appreciate the world.

The main purpose of this project: Expanding the knowledge of older children preschool age about the Great Patriotic War, about the holiday of May 9 and its meaning. Formation of civil patriotic feelings in preschool children fostering a sense of pride for the feat of his people in the Great Patriotic War, respect for veterans.

During the events, dedicated to the day Victory, and other memorable dates, children learned to navigate the history of our country, children formed such concepts as veterans, defense, invaders, fascists, fascist Germany; a feeling formed pride for their people and their military merits; respect for the defenders of the Fatherland, veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Implementation of this project became possible thanks to the joint work of children, parents, teachers of the preparatory group with the active participation of the Kindergarten specialists.

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Purpose: to introduce children to the heroic pages of the history of Russia. Tasks: 1. To acquaint with the events of the Great Patriotic War, to consolidate.

*** Today our grandfathers got orders. Today is Victory Day, And the country is celebrating. We are proud, of course, of the Heroes of the war, We kiss them heartily.

Presentation "We remember, we are proud" In preparation for the celebration of the 70th Victory of the Great Patriotic War, we conducted conversations with children in kindergarten using the example of their relatives.

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The war has passed, the suffering has passed, But the pain calls to people. Let's never forget this, people. (A. Tvardovsky)

slide 3

70 years have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War. People who have seen the terrible face of war are leaving us. And we can learn about those events only from the stories of veterans, from books, feature films. With its cruel hand, the war touched every family. And in our family there was such a person. This is my great-great-grandfather Ivan Petrovich Gladkikh.

slide 4

Gladkikh Ivan Petrovich was born in 1909 in the village of Kotelnikovo, Nerchinsk district. He worked as a laborer, married before the war, and had three children.

slide 5

Forty-first! June. The year and month of the nationwide struggle. Even with the dust of time, this date cannot be dragged out.

slide 6

My grandfather, like thousands of other people from the first days of the war, went to the front.

Wait for me and I will come back. Just wait a lot, Wait for the yellow rains to make you sad, Wait for the snow to sweep, Wait for the heat, Wait for others not to wait, Forgetting yesterday.

Slide 7

The site "Feat of the people" has a little information about the merits of my grandfather.

Gladkikh Ivan Petrovich, born in 1909 Title: Guards. corporal in the Red Army since 07.1941 Place of conscription: Shilkinsky RVC, Chita region, Shilkinsky district Record number: 28327372 Archival documents about this award: I. Order (decree) on the award and accompanying documents to it - the first page of the order or decree - line in the award list - award list II. Record file - data in the record file Medal "For Courage"

Slide 8

Archival documents.

  • Slide 9

    My great-great-grandfather reached Berlin.

    Victory is at our doors ... How will we meet the welcome guest? Let women raise their children higher, Saved from a thousand thousand deaths, - So we will answer the long-awaited.

    Slide 10

    After the war, grandfather returned to soy small motherland. He had two more children. My great-grandmother, the daughter of Ivan Petrovich Stafeev (Gladkikh) Ulyana Ivanovna, born in 1935, recalled that my father did not talk much about the war, because the memories were too difficult. In the war, grandfather was wounded, so 13 years after the victory, he died. I'm proud to have such a person in my family!